

She was just as beautiful as ever today. She was wearing a blue skirt, it was pretty short, and a green t-shirt. She was pretty short herself, only about 5’4”. She had medium length, brown, slightly curly hair, it reached to about her shoulder. Her breasts were average sized, probably a C cup. She had a nice butt as well, it was slightly large on her small frame. Her eyes were startlingly green, and her smile was always kind and warming. I had had a crush on her for as long as I could remember, since back in elementary school. Her name was Brianne. I saw her walking by me at lunch, she said hello and smiled as she walked past. I returned the hello. As she walked past me, I turned my head, savoring the image of her walking down the path in the short blue skirt. I only vaguely knew her on any personal level, just enough to get a hello from her if we passed each other in the hall, or outside the school.
I walked over to my usual spot where I ate in the hallway, but my friend Ryan wasn’t there. I supposed he must be taking a test or something. He was an honors student, and often had to do academic shit at lunch. I sat down and ate lunch by myself, my back resting against my locker. After I finished eating, I pulled out a book to read. As I was reading, I heard a throat clear near me. I looked up. Brianne was standing there, looking down at me. “Uh uh,” I said stupidly. She smiled, and said, “Hey your friend Ryan was in Chemistry taking a test with me, and we started up a conversation.” I didn’t know what to say, so I just kept staring up at her. “He said you have trouble in your math class.” I had no idea what this could possibly have to do with anything, but I nodded my head in acknowledgment, still without a clue what to say. “Well, he was wondering if I would be okay with tutoring you. He said that he would do it, but wasn’t very good at math himself.” That’s when I finally put it together. Ryan was great at math, and often did help me with my math homework. He knew I had a crush on Brianne though, so he must be trying to set us up.
“Yeah, that would be great,” I said, finally finding my voice. She smiled again, and handed me a slip of paper. “Just call me if you need help, and we can set up a tutoring date.” She smiled again and walked away. The bell rang, and I packed my bag up. As I was walking to class I was lost in thought. It seemed kind of weird that she would be willing to tutor someone she hardly knew just because someone else who sits next to her in Chemistry asked if she would. But I always knew she was very nice, and I supposed this is why she agreed to it. I couldn’t wait to talk to Ryan about it, but I didn’t have him until seventh period, which was math. The next two periods before seventh crawled along, until finally I was able to walk into my math class.
Ryan was sitting down, his head buried in his math notes, making sure he was ready for the upcoming lesson. I sat down next to him. Our math teacher, Mr. Barson, was really cool, . He was one of the only teachers this year that let us sit wherever we wanted, which I thought was kind of stupid, seeing as we were seniors in high school. He was at the head of the classroom, listening to his I-pod until the bell rang. As I sat down next to Ryan, he looked up, and a huge grin broke across his face. “Well,” he asked, “did she talk to you?” “Yeah,” I replied, “how did you do that?” He continued, “It was easy, she is willing to do just about anything to help someone. I just had to start a conversation with her.” I knew this was easier for him than it ever could be for me, he was really good at talking to girls, despite being nerdy like me. I probably would have never been able to start a conversation with her.
The math lesson was easy today, I understood just about everything, but I was anxious to see Brianne, so I decided I was gonna call her and ask her for help anyways. As I left math, I thanked Ryan again, he said it was no problem, and I began my walk home. As I walked home, I imagined Brianne coming to my house to tutor me naked. In my head, she knocked on the door, and I answered. She was shivering, it was cold and rainy outside. Her body was completely naked, her arms pressed against her boobs. She walked in and hugged me gratefully. Then she started kissing me, and…I snapped out of the daydream as I approached my house, looking up at the clear blue sky. I knew that would never happen. Even if for some reason she came to my house naked, my mom didn’t work anymore, and wouldn’t let any naked girl in the house to start kissing me. I thought of my mom being home with annoyance, how was I supposed to get any alone time with Brianne if my mom was there. She would not let a girl in the house out of her sight. I liked my mom, but she could be pretty nosy, and I was sure I wouldn’t get a sing private word in. I started feeling miserable, I hadn’t even considered this.
As I walked inside, I started thinking about not calling her. I decided against it though, I wasn’t going to get anywhere doing that. So I went upstairs to my room, and took out my cell phone. I looked at the number and dialed it. It rang for a bit, and she answered. “Hello,” she said. “Hey, its me, I was wondering if you would still be okay with tutoring me?” I asked.
“Oh sure,” she replied, “when do you think you will need tutoring?”
“Well, I actually don’t understand my homework tonight, do you think you could help me?”
“Yeah, sure, I just have to do a couple of things, then I can be right over to pick you up. What is your address?” I gave her the address, and she said she would be over in a little bit. It was a moment after she hung up that I realized what she said, she was gonna pick me up, which would mean I wouldn’t have to worry about my mom being a hindrance.
I grabbed my backpack and put it by the door. I yelled to my mom that I was going out for a while, and she told me to be back before nine. As Brianne pulled up in her car, I headed out the door. She had changed clothes since school had ended, she was wearing tight blue jeans, which showed off her perfect ass, and a red low-cut tank top. I was surprised to see her wearing the tank top, she never wore anything like that at school. I could see her black bra straps underneath it. “Thanks for picking me up,” I said as I entered her small economy car. “No problem,” she said, “I’m just glad I could help.” As we arrived at her house, I gasped. Her house was rather large, Two stories, but not small and crummy looking like my house, the lawn was cut perfectly and decorated, and the paint was a nice blue color, instead of the awful, peeling mustard yellow of my house. She giggled slightly as she saw me gasp. “Are you going to pass out their?” she jokingly questioned. “I might, if the inside looks this nice too.” She laughed at my comment, and pulled into the garage. “Do you have a car?” she asked as she turned the engine off. “No, I don’t even have a license yet, and I don’t have a car to practice with so I can’t really get one. My mom’s car has broken down, she doesn’t use it anyways, she doesn’t work any more.” “That sucks,” she said. “Yeah, tell me about it.” She led me into her kitchen where she had one of those kitchen bars, that was like a built in table in the middle of the kitchen. We sat down in the cushioned stools, and I took out my homework. As she helped me with it, we talked about other stuff, driving, school, recent movies. I was really enjoying myself, and she seemed to be too.
“Where are your parents?” I asked. “They work really late, they are architectural engineers, and they usually don’t get home until around nine, sometimes later. They’re really serious about their jobs.” “Both of them are engineers?” I said. “Yeah, they both work in the same office too.” She got through helping me with my math pretty quickly, seeing as I already knew how to do it. Afterward she asked if I wanted to watch a movie with her. I replied that I would love to, and she slipped one into the DVD player. We sat next to each other and watched it. I was extremely nervous, I had never sat alone with a girl and watched a movie before. We continued to talk some through the movie, and I began to find out I had more in common with her that I ever would have guessed. She was also into art, she was in an advanced class. I wasn’t in any class or anything, but I really liked to draw. I showed her a couple of my pictures from my backpack, and she told me I should join the class.
As the movie ended, she was sitting very close to me, leaning on my shoulder. She seemed to realize for the first time how she was sitting, and sat straight up. She was blushing. “Whats wrong?” I asked. “Nothings wrong,” she said. “I just don’t want to do anything you might be uncomfortable with. I’m just supposed to tutor you, I don’t want to…” She didn’t seem to understand what she was trying to say. I tried to help. “I am fine with anything you are okay with, I uh, I really like you.” She looked up at me, as though surprised. Then, to my surprise, she kissed me. Her tongue slid in to my mouth, and I responded by doing the same. I was worried that I wasn’t good at kissing, this was my first time doing it. We continued kissing for quite awhile, my hands were rubbing on her back, but suddenly she moved my hands further down to her ass as we kissed. I was in heaven. Her ass which I always watched move away from me in the halls, which I frequently fantasized about. I began rubbing her ass, but cautiously, I didn’t want to offend her. As if reading my mind, she broke away from the kiss for a moment. “Don’t worry, I like you touching me, go ahead. She began kissing me again, and my hands grabbed her ass lightly. After I didn’t receive any negative response, I squeezed both of her cheeks. This caused her to begin kissing me more passionately. We continued in this fashion for a while, until she slid her hands up underneath my shirt, causing my spine to tingle slightly. She then broke the kiss again, and slipped my shirt over my head. I was extremely surprised. “What are you doing?” I asked. She looked confused. “Do you not want to, uh-” I cut her off, “Yeah, but are you sure you want to-” as a reply she began kissing me again. I continued to kiss her, and stuck my hands down the back of her pants, over her panties. I then slowly slid my hands around in a circle, bringing them to the front. She gasped at this, and I unbuttoned her pants. As I slid the zipper down, I saw that her panties were black too, matching her bra. I tried pulling her jeans off, but had some difficulty, she giggled and helped me get them off. She then helped me get my pants off, and I pulled her tank top over her head.
We were both just in our underwear. I slowly slid my hands up from her belly button, along her sides, and to her bra. I reached around back and tried to un strap it. I had difficulty with this, but after a minute of fiddling and some laughing, I managed to unhook it. The bra fell off, and I stared at her boobs. They were better than I ever imagined, in all my fantasies. They were slightly larger than they seemed while she was wearing clothes. She has small, pink nipples, and small areolas around them. Her boobs were slightly more pale than the rest of her body. I stared for a few seconds, and then put my hand on one of them. I began rubbing it gently, and then squeezed it. She seemed to enjoy this slightly. I put my other hand on her other boob and began squeezing it. Them I mover my mouth up to her boobs and began sucking on her nipples as I continued to rub them. After a while I looked down to her panties. They were extremely wet. I moved my hands down from her boobs, and slowly slid her panties down. She gasped quietly. I looked at her pussy. It was pale as well, and looked very tight. It was also extremely wet. She was clean shaven. I moved my head down, and began licking her pussy. She let out a soft moan as I did this. My tongue licked up and down, and then I began playing with her clit. She began moaning louder. I continued to do this, and grabbed her ass with my hands. I squeezed it tightly, and she let out a louder moan. This went on for a while, before she sat up, and asked me to take my underwear off.
I pulled them down nervously, and she moved her mouth over to my dick. She licked up the shaft of my very hard dick and onto the head. She then wrapped her mouth around my cock, and began slowly moving her head down. She moved up and down, slowly getting the hang of it. I was feeling a great amount of pleasure as she did this. I was worried that I would cum too soon, but I managed to keep myself from doing so. After a while she pulled her mouth off of my dick, and laid back on the couch with her legs open. “I want you to fuck me,” she said.
“I don’t have a condom”
“I’m on the pill”
“Why?” I asked out of curiosity.
“I take it for my period, so that it won’t be as bad.” Then, as if to encourage me, she grabbed my wet cock with her hand, and began moving her hand up and down, arousing me even further. When she stopped, I moved my dick up to her pussy, and slowly started to slide in. As I pushed in, I felt a resistance, and stopped. “Keep going,” she said. I continued to push, and her hymen broke. I realized that she must have been a virgin. She gasped in pain as I did this, and I asked if she was okay. “Yeah, I’m fine, just keep going. I pushed all the way in, and just stayed their for a minute.
Then I began to slowly pull out, and push back in. I was pumping into her, and she was moaning in pleasure. As I continued, I began to speed up. Her moans intensified as I did this. As I was fucking her, I grabbed her bouncing tits and began playing with them. She moaned more, and I started going faster. Her legs were spread wide apart on the couch. Her hands gripped the back of the couch, and the side of it, as I continued. After a while she asked if I wanted to try another position. I pulled out of her, and she leaned against the couch with her hands, her knees were on the floor. I moved behind her, and slid into her pussy. I began pounding into her again, and she started moaning again. Her hands were pressed against the back of the couch, and her head was turned back slightly to look at me. I grabbed onto her perfect ass again, squeezing it in ecstasy, and then continued to fuck her. “Slap my ass!” she suddenly yelled out, and I slapped her right ass cheek with my hand. “Oh yeah, please harder!” I began fucking her harder, causing her tits to bounce very rapidly, and also slapped her ass as hard as I could. “Fuck yes, fuck me!” she yelled.
We changed positions again, she spread her legs out on the ground this time, as far as they would go, and I held onto them pushing them back further. Her ass was pushed slightly off the ground because of how I was pushing her, and her back was bent. I then pushed into her again, and began screwing her. I was going as hard as before, her tits were bouncing back and fourth, and she was almost screaming in pleasure. I continued fucking her, and she grabbed onto her legs, holding them in place. My hands were then free to touch her again, and I leaned forward while fucking her and grabbed onto her boobs. I was squeezing them tightly, then rubbing them around. “Yes!” she moaned out, and yelled, “Harder!” I had to press my hands into her tits, and then began fucking her harder. “Yes! Fuck me, fuck me!” she yelled. I was getting pretty close to being done now, and she moaned out, “I think I’m gonna cum!” I wanted to get her to finished before I did, so I held back and continued. “Yes, keep going, keep going!” she urged. “I’m almost their! Fuck me!” she began moaning even louder, and then I felt my balls tighten, and knew I couldn’t last any longer. I felt spurt after spurt of cum fire out, but as that happened, I could feel her pussy tightening around my cock, she was having an orgasm too. I continued going for as long as I could, and eventually she stopped.
I pulled out of her, and she brought me to the bathroom so we could shower and clean up. After we got out of the shower, I asked her why she was so willing to do that so quickly. “Because I like you, I could tell just from talking to you tonight, and I could tell you liked me, and, well I guess I was kinda horny,” she said as she giggled. I laughed too, “Yeah, maybe just a little bit. This means were going out, right,” I asked jokingly. “Yeah, I would have to say so,” she said. I checked the clock, it was almost nine. “I have to get home,” I said. She took me home, and I kissed her goodnight. I was finally happy, I had the girl of my dreams.

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