Sisters , Daughters, Nieces and Wives!

Sisters , Daughters, Nieces and Wives!

This all happened a long time ago. I was at work and doing what I still get a lot of pleasure in doing....... no! not that...... although of course I still engage in that particular activity when the real thing isn't available as most adults do I should imagine! No, I was observing the women in the office who I had the pleasure to work with and imagining them engaged in the sort of thing we all fantasise about from time to time!. I've mentioned this before in other stories, but I've always derived a lot of satisfaction in watching members of the female sex doing 'everyday' things; breasts bouncing, buttocks rippling, the way you can spot the style of knickers they're wearing under tight trousers and sometimes, skirts, the way their nipples stand out when they least want them to! That sort of thing!

One of my colleagues was a lady who was ten years my senior in that she was around 35 when I was 25. God, now that I'm in my 50's I look back at the opportunities I had a quarter of a century ago and ask myself
'Did I make the most of things in those days?'
I have to confess though, that 'Yes, I probably did!'..... but I'd love to have those sort of opportunities back on a regular basis. A guy always needs more sex than he can get! Anyway, this woman of 35 was on the large side. I've put on weight myself over the years but at 25 was reasonably fit. I played a lot of cricket and rugby and also went in for competitive sailing. If I did it now I'd probably have a coronary. However, I really fancied her and used to follow her around the office looking for opportunities to catch sight of her bottom in tightly stretched pants and the occasional glimpse of cleavage when she bent forward. Looking back I'm sure she knew perfectly well what I was doing, but at the time I imagined I was so fucking clever!

We had a filing room which was full of ceiling high racks with hundreds of files, this being in the days before computers were so common. She went to get a file and I casually followed her in. There was no sign of her so she had to be at the far end. I walked down there glancing down each aisle as I passed the end of it. About four from the end, I found her....... or in reality, she found me. As I approached the end of the aisle where she was waiting, she suddenly appeared in front of me so that I walked straight into her. I mean that literally; I bounced off her tits...... and I mean that literally as well because she'd taken off her bra and her magnificent breasts were clearly visible under the top she was wearing.... a sort of white muslin semi-transparent material with solid white bits in it..... women will know what I mean. Her large stiff brown nipples were straining against the material and as she looked down at my bulge I knew she could see my excitement. Anyway, a couple of seconds later she was feeling it, first through my trousers and then with the zip down, through my underpants and then ..... just feeling it!

I backed her down the aise to the wall at the end and placed my hand inside her top and squeezed her nipples and then undoing the buttons on her top fondled her tits as I stooped down and sucked them. I came up slowly and kissed her full on the lips, forcing my tongue between them and reaching down to the hem of her skirt, rasied it before putting my hand underneath and into the top of her tight's waistband and so easing my fingers into her kinckers where I could feel the silky mesh of her pubic bush. I gasped as she squeezed my cock at the same time as I gripped her clit between forefinger and thumb and just as things were starting to get interesting, the door to the filing room opened and we heard someone walking down to where we were standing.

If you've ever had that feeling that your heart has stopped beating, you'll know how I felt!. Please don't come right down here. I was thinking. Please find what you've come for higher up the room! But 'no'. Of course she (and it WAS a 'she) came marching straight down to where we were...... but when she came straight round the corner and I saw my 'friend' whose name was 'Janet' grinning up at me I knew I'd been set up by two women in their mid to late thirties and for the first time I began to get a little worried. Apart from anything else they were sisters!

'Well now, what are you two doing?' she enquired with a grin on her face addiing, 'as,if I didn't know'
'You haven't given the poor bugger enough time' said Janet, making me feel really inadequate.
'Oh I'm sure that's not very fair' said Margaret and anyway he'll have to save his strength now that he's got two of us down here' and so saying, she also took off her bra.

Margaret was built to the same design as her sister but her stiffening nipples were pink! She was also a few years older being around 39.
She immediately took things a stage further by pulling up her skirt revealing stockings and suspenders not tights and pulling me towards her and at the same time pulling her knickers partly down so that my erection rode up her belly over her equally densly forested mound. As I kissed her I allowed my hands to roam round the back and so clasped a buttock in each hand and pulled the centre of our bodies together!

This drew a snort of protest from Janet who squealed something about me having come after her first and she wanted first fuck...... but it had all got a little heavy for me and they could sense that I didn't want to go through with it, so Margaret played her Ace.
'What are you doing tonight?' she asked innocently
'Well, nothing important' I replied cautiously
'And I'm sure I can get away for a night' said Janet
'So that's settled then' said Margaret
I had a distinct feeling that I had totally lost all control of the situation.

At around 5.30 both women appeared at my desk and said they were ready to leave. I lived on my own at the time so had no excuses to make to anyone. Margaret was divorced and Janet was married to a guy who worked away from home, I learned as we drove back to Margaret's house. What I really wasn't expecting was that Margaret's 19 year old daughter lived withn her mother and that she woulod be sitting on the sofa watching TV when we got in. It was also rather obvious that she knew we were coming and presumably why we were coming!

My two colleagues vanished upstairs to change into more comfortable clothing but the daughter, Megan, had already done this and she wasted no time in showing me. When her Mum and her friend appeared in the lounge, Megan was stroking my cock outside my trousers with her skirt up around her waist and her other hand inside her knickers, lazily feeling her own cunt. I was spreadeagled across the sofa wondering how I was going to be able to satisfy all three of them all night .

I was shown how J and M had dressed up for the occasion, but first I was pulled to my feet and stripped to my boxer shorts and then pushed back down on the sofa. Margaret pulleed her skirt up and her knickers down and off and squatted down over my face as Janet knelt on the floor between my legs and having pulled my shorts down started to lick my cock and balls with slow, wet, licks. I had a fantastic view as I looked up at that magnificent arse with that hugely hairy cunt straining open just above my face. I strained my tongue upwards until the tip just brushed the pubic hair around her outer cunt lips and when she felt it, she lowered her body down just a tantalising fraction so that my tongue could brush her labia properly. The smell of her cunt and strained open bottom was overpowering, not in an unclean sense, because she'd just had a shower, but in one of sexual readiness and when her cunt squashed down fully on my face with my tongue probing deep inside that well lubricated sticky wetness it was all I could do to stay in control!

Janet wasn't helping much either She was still working on my cock and balls and slipping her mouth completely over the head of my cock and down the shaft on an increasingly regular motion. The way she allowed her mouth to fill with saliva and let it run down the shaft before licking it up the full length was mind blowing. I was also reaching out with one hand to fondle Janet's ample bottom and stroke her bottom hole and cunt with one finger while the other hand was in use tweaking Megan's left breast and rock hard nipple.

Eventually, Megan got up and moving behind her mother began to rub her tits on her back and at the same time fondle her mother's breasts. I tranferred both hands to Janet's cunt and into which I soon discovered there was enough room to push several fingers!

As Margaret began to get more and more excited by the attentions of my tongue around her clitty and my fingers were working their magic on Janet's and my cock was straining in her mouth with my balls desperately trying not to release their sticky load of white jizz, I pulled Megan down over Janet's back and while keeping my fingers busy frigging Janet with one hand, started to spank Megan's bare bottom with the other. She had her hand between her thighs in an instant and suddenly she came and at the same time I felt two gushes, one over my hand in Janet's cunt and the other over my face. It goes without saying, I should imagine that my cum was by this time, dripping out of Janet's mouth.

We rolled apart and and I rolled onto the floor! Four of us stark bollock naked, worn out and covered with sweat, cum, cock and cunt juice! The floor littered with underpants, knickers, stockings, suspender belts and bras. We'd have to be more careful next time; but this time there'd been no actual penetration but when we'd had a shower and we were all in Margaret's Queen sized bed and I felt myself coming to attention again, I knew what would be expected of me particularly as Margaret handed me a packet of three from the bedside cabinet and told me I was expected to use the whole packet before dawn.

'Bye the way Mum', said Megan as she started to roll languidly against me, 'they've offered me that job'
'That's wonderful darling' said her Mother and turning to me from the other side having placed her hand over my cock.
'It certainly is' said Janet from her position under the duvet with her head between my thighs and her hand cupping my balls...............................
'She's coming to work with us! She said giving me a little squeeze, 'What a lovely time you're going to have with the three of us'

Know something? I still do, its just that now, I call one of them 'Aunty', one of them 'Mother in Law' and the third and youngest......................... well guess!

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