Lucy gets fucked by her best friends dad

Lucy gets fucked by her best friends dad

It was 3pm on a Wednesday and the heat of the summer day beat down on Lucy and her friend Jillian as they walked home from school. The pavement was hot and blanketed in leafs and nuts from the trees that lined Jillian's street. As the sun burned down, the leafs dripped a warm aroma which reminded Lucy of potpourri she had smelled in a boutique candle store in the main-street of her small town. The air was hot and the smell of burning flora sent her into a sleepy, contented head spin. The two girls turned up Jillian's driveway as they chatted excitedly about the weekend as they walked past the sprinklers spitting erratically, mimicking the smell of rain in the summer sunlight, water drops covering the green lush grass, like little crystals catching the Suns rays.

Jillian's house was big and old, it had been a mill for 200 years before her father converted it into their family home. Five years of planning, hours of nights spent up alone, obsessing over every detail. It was beautiful, Lucy had always loved her friends home, Lucy had always admired beauty, in all forms though young she was. She looked up at the house as she stood at the bottom of the porch stairs. Her green eyes scanning out details in the red brick she might've missed before, pushing back her long natural blonde hair to see, only to have it fall half back over her right eye.

Jillian rummaged through her school bag whilst resting her book bag on her knee all for the sake of her house keys, Lucy picked up her friends book bag to help her juggle the load. Jillian's short brown pigtails bounced in the warm breeze. Suddenly the door opened, "Hey Girls, come in its stinking hot out there" smiled her father as he stepped clear of the door for the two girls to enter. They all walked inside as Jillian's father closed the large timber door behind them and the girls continued into the bright kitchen at the end of the hall, dumping their bags haphazardly on the floor as they went, heading straight to the fridge for ice pops.

As Jillian's father followed his daughter and her friend back up the hall way into the kitchen, his head was still filled with a house he was currently developing. Blue prints were the obsession of his life. "Hi Mr Cleaver, how are you" Jillian's friend Lucy chimed, he looked up and there she was, sitting up on the kitchen marble counter, her legs crossed and covered up to her thigh with her black school stockings. Her tanned oiled skin peaking out from her navy plaid skirt, she had clearly rolled it up - a school girl trick Tom had witnessed during his own high school experience, though had never got lucky with such girls, rather spending time in the library, wasted time, Jesus, it was almost a miniskirt. She was sucking on a red ice-block quickly trying to lap up the melting red liquid as it dropped onto her chin, smiling as she quietly looked over at me. Why was he noticing her like this? She had been basically living at his house for years during summer as her parents travelled a lot and the family liked having her around, she was a good companion for Jillian, who was short, stocky and let's face it, a typical dork. But Lucy was teen model material, she was tall, slim, tanned and blonde, she had always had boyfriends and was popular, what she saw in Jillian for friendship was her intellect. They got along one library study lesson over history and since then had been good friends.

But now she seemed different, I shook out of my daze and realised she was still staring at me, "oh fine, fine, how are you Lucy?" "Very good" she hinted to her ice block and giggled, I managed a thumbs up in response as I pulled my T-shirt down over my boxers and walking quickly to my office. I smiled as I closed the door, she waved good bye at me, I shut the door and turned around letting out a large sigh. I walked over to my chair and slumped down, eyes returned to my blueprint world. I rubbed my eyes and reached for my coffee.. Only to realise I had left it next to the stove in the kitchen.

Mmm the ice block was cherry, my favourite. I sat up on the kitchen bench as I sucked the juice of the ice pop, Jillian was in her room getting some notes on Rome she wanted me to look at with her, we constantly discussed our history lessons. As I sat on the cold marble bench, I moved my skirt from under me so that the cold stone rested against my underwear, it felt nice against my private skin. I looked around the kitchen, the cream marble work was beautiful. Tom, I mean, Jillian's dad was really good at what he did. A steaming cup next to the stove caught my eye, I looked back at Jillian's dads office door, it remained closed and silent. I hopped off the counter, ice lollie in hand and mouth, and grabbed the handle of the mug. I licked the last of the ice off of the stick and tossed it in the bin and I carried the mug up to the office door. I made a gentle knock on the wooden door and admired my French tip nails as I waited, "Uh, Yep.." Muffled out from the other side of the expensive timber. Turning the metal knob in my hand I pushed slowly against the door and peaked my head around, "Um? Like, Mr Cleaver, you left your coffee on the counter, I didn't want you to die of thirst so.. I hope it's okay that I brought it in to you" Tom looked up silent, and then smiled, his large hands resting in the large wooden desks, blueprints sprawled. "Oh thanks Lucy, just here will do" as he made some room on his packed desk. I walked over, one hand holding the full, steaming coffee and the other with my palm pressed against the back of my skirt, it was really short and I was suddenly embarrassed and aware of it, in this small book lined office. As I placed the mug on the desk, I looked down at the paperwork, "what's this?" I blurted as I pointed my manicured nail to an old, decrepit building.

My own daughter had never shown an interest in my projects, but here Lucy stood pointing at my protect portfolio staring into my eyes with her question lingering in my ears. "Oh, well it's a building that I'm turning into apartments.. Still very much in the works I'm afraid, constructions starting next week and I'm just finalising" her eyes fell back into the pictures as she traced over them with her fingertips, half sitting as she leaned in for a better look, "Oh this is beautiful Mr Cleaver.." She exclaimed, her voice breathy and gentle. Her hair falling in slow motion over her breasts, sheerly covered by her thin white school shirt. At that moment, Jillian burst in, "Luc!!" I felt us both jump "I've left my paper in my locker, I have to run back and get it, I'll be 30 minutes tops, will you be okay while I go get it? I know you get faint from the heat and all, don't worry, dad can show you his new project, I know you love that kind of stuff, okay?" Lucy lifted her head but her eyes stayed fixed on the photographs "Okay JiJi I'll see you soon, take your time, I'll just chill here" Jillian turned out the door quickly "Cya soon" footsteps, the front door slammed. Silence. Silence alone with Lucy.

"So uhh, how's school Lucy? How's the first week of being 16?" I made a step for small talk to ease my uncomfortable feelings of being alone with my teenage daughters friend, although Lucy seemed unmoved and very comfortable leaning in closer over the papered desk. "Oh you know Tom, boring lessons and even more boring boys" suddenly she sprang up, "Oh, sorry Mr Cleaver, I didn't mean to call you by your first name.." I stood up, with my hands up shaking, dismissing her cause for concern "it's fine Lucy" I laughed "you're an adult now, you can call adults by their adult names". A silence suddenly hit the room, broken by a question that hit me like a train "how am I an adult Tom?" Lucy's voice suddenly deeper and womanly. I looked into her eyes and fell over my words. She leaned forward slightly grinning, I felt like a mouse suddenly and this kitty was toying with me. Suddenly the coffee, now lukewarm, spilled and splashed all over Lucy's uniform. She squealed and to this day I'm not sure if it was my fault or hers. I shot up and grabbed her arms "I'm sorry! Let me get you a towel, come to the bathroom! Oh god I'm sorry" I huddled her out of the office and directed her to the bathroom upstairs, trying not to look up her skirt as I trailed behind her. Red silk panties catch my eye from under that short navy uniform. I shake the image from my head. We walk across the hall, into my wife's and I's bedroom, and led her into the ensuite, I picked up a towel from the cupboard and as I turned around, there she was bent over the sink, faucet running, water soaking her white coffee stained skirt, a red bra came through the wet linen. Lucy would look up out the bright window, admiring the sunlight beaming through, enveloping her perfect face in light, then drop her head directing back to her soaking shirt. I don't know what came over me, maybe it was the water dripping down her chest or the way she was leaning over, skirt covering nothing, those silk red panties exposed. I dropped the towel, my hand slid into my white boxers, I grasped my cock and started slowly massaging my shaft, as it hardened in my hand. Eyes fixed on her red panties, glistening in the light from the window. She was still bent over the sink, racing to clean her shirt.

My school uniform was covered in black coffee, great just what I need.. I suddenly felt something brushing up against my underwear, my eyes wide with shock. I turned my head around "Mr Cleaver! Wha..." Before I could finish my sentence, my best friends dad had reached around and covered my mouth, I tried to stand but he pushed me back down against the counter with his other hand and leaned his weight against my ass. I could feel his hard dick against my silk underwear as it slipped up and down in our struggle, what was this weird emotion I was feeling? I wasn't scared, I wasn't fighting as hard as I could, not because I was weak - I was a blackbelt. The heat of Toms body set me on fire, I moaned faintly against the shape of his hardness as he pressed firmly against my petite struggling frame. He cupped over my silk panties with his warm hand, and starting rubbing my pussy lips firmly, making me wet and excited, I could feel the coldness of newly wet silk against my pussy. Without a word, he slid my panties to one side and crouched down, the tip of his hot tongue making circles around my lips, as he pressed his face deeper, his humid breath touched every bit of me, my knees started to shake. "Oh m.. my!" I whispered. I opened my eyes and dared to peak, he caught me and stood up, tearing my panties off and throwing them away like trash. I went to kick off my shoes, "The platforms stay the fuck on.." His voice was now dark, husky and deep. I wanted to be his trash. He started rubbing his cock and looking at my pussy, he wanted it, I could see it in his eyes, he looked like the boys at school looked when we went parking on Friday night. He pulled my skirt up, rubbing the throbbing head of his dick against my juicy lips. I started to ache, trying to back onto his cock, I just wanted it inside of me, within every inch off me. He backed away, and I sighed in frustration. He laughed, wrapping his hand around my throat, pressing his dick back onto my plump little cunt. My hair was soaked by the running faucet, dripping down my back, the water cool, invading and scented from my Chanel perfume, my skirt open, my perky teenage breasts spilling out over my bra, nipples pert. His breathing got heavier, and suddenly bliss, dirty, forbidden, bliss as he penetrated me, dipping his cock into my wetness. "Fuck me, you're tight" he moaned throwing his head back as he tighten both hands around my neck. He started slow and hard, taking the time to ensure I was a acclimatising to the girth of his dick. Almost buckling under his firm pressure, he was moaning as my tight pussy fought against his shaft, tightening with my body as I tensed from his persistence. Taking up all my space and more, I felt invaded, and I loved it.

I felt myself inside of her, Lucy, my little girls best friend. She was warm and tight, I thrusted inside of her fully and leant into her, she was paradise, I wanted to stay in paradise. She let out little whimpers and moaned "Mmmm.. Yeah... Mhmmm" she whispered, I could hear the wetness of her cunt as she grew increasingly aroused. She was grinding back in unison with me as we fucked under her school uniform. I needed to kiss her, I bent down over her and kissed her from behind, as I continued to fuck her deep. My cock slammed into her shaved teenage pussy, suddenly the feeling came over me, the feeling before ultimate release. "I'm gonna cum.. I'm.. Uhhh fuck.." I tried to slow down to pull out but Lucy kept bouncing back onto my cock and held my hips so I couldn't move, I didn't fight her. "Cum in me, please cum in me, come on, you're almost there, fill me up please, oh god.. God!!" She silently whimpered. Cum filled her wet cunt and dripped onto the bathroom floor, we slowed and stopped, still inside her.

Suddenly, the front door chimed downstairs, springing into action I pulled my boxers back on. I handed Lucy her silk red panties, her eyes meeting mine, we said nothing as I kissed her on the four head and cleared my throat, leaving her to clean up in the bathroom. I smiled as I shut the door to the bathroom out of respect for her privacy, the privacy I just violated in the most extreme way, strangely she smiled back at me and winked as she bent down to adjust her tights. I sighed, "what the fuck have I just done?" I thought as I smiled slightly thinking about Lucy's tight pussy and the way her silk panties felt against my cock, as I raced down the stairs towards the front door.

Tom closed the bathroom door, smiling. I smiled back whilst pretending to busy myself with my school uniform. Once I had heard his footsteps fade off into the distance, I pulled out the tiny spy camera I had placed in the medicine cabinet whilst he was grabbing me a towel. Mhmm, this was all too easy, I thought as I smirked looking down at the tiny camera.

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