My Loyal Daughters

My Loyal Daughters

Leslie came hopping down the stairs in her cute blue miniskirt, showing off her shapely figure as she descended. She looked amazing as she always does, doing her makeup and hair to look gorgeous for her trip. A big smile came across her face as she walked towards me in the hallway, shimmering but girlishly shy.
“Hey daddy” she beamed as she tucked close into my arms.
“Hey sweetheart, are you all set for your trip?” I replied as I hugged her tight kissing her head
“Yes daddy” she smiled “Are you going to be ok here without me?”
“Oh we should manage just fine for a week” I kidded
“I’ll miss you while I’m gone” Leslie chimed and grabbed softly onto my shirt
Abby watched her sister and her father from in the kitchen, looking up from her algebra. She watched her father lean down and whispered into her ear. Leslie giggled softly and they both glanced quickly at Abby. She looked down at her homework but wondered what secrets they were talking about to each other.

“Alright babe well I’ll pick you up on Sunday ok?” I hugged her one last time
“I’ll see you then Daddy, you two have fun while I’m gone” she kissed me gently on the cheek for several prolonged seconds and then turned and winked to her sister as she strutted out the door.
Abby was really puzzled now, was something going on she didn’t know about? Were they planning some sort of surprise party for her or something? The whole thing was making her feel really left out and hurt. Ever since the divorce, Abby had noticed that her father and sister had become increasingly close when the girls stayed at their fathers but didn’t really know what lead to it, she didn’t notice them spending much time together. Abby spent most of her time after her high school classes in her room chatting with her friends on the computer. Abby was not really concerned with their relationship until now and decided that this week while her sister was at a college orientation retreat and she was spending the whole week with her father, she was going to get to the bottom of it.

Abby closed her notebook and began to head upstairs as she bumped into her father coming into the kitchen in his bathing suit. She was taken aback at how into shape he looked. He had been swimming out in the pool every night before dinner.
“Oh I’m sorry dad I wasn’t looking where I was going” Abby explained stepping to the side to allow him to come into the kitchen
“That’s ok pumpkin,” I smiled “what do you feel like doing for dinner tonight? Your sister won’t be around to cook. I was thinking pizza and movie. I feel like we never hang out anymore.”
“Sounds good” Abby smiled back at her father “I’ll be in my room call for me when it’s ready.”
A while later the doorbell rang and I opened the door, joking with the pizza guy about working on a school night before coming back inside.
“It’s here” I yelled to Abby as I realized she was right behind me
After dinner I washed the dishes before joining Abby in the living room. I told Abby she should change into something more comfortable and assured how that I was ok with her wearing very little around the house, just not in public. She smiled and scurried upstairs, coming down in a large T-shirt and a pair of thong panties. I dimmed the lights as I put the scary movie in and went to the couch to sit next to her. I slid closer to her until our bodies were touching. I put my arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer to me. She smiled and tucked her head into my shoulder.

“You haven’t done this since I was a little girl daddy” Abby purred tucking into her father lovingly. She liked feeling attention for once instead of it all being on her big sister.
“You still are my little girl, to me” I replied and slid my arm down her side until it was wrapped around her lower back.
“Dad why have you been so close to Leslie lately?” Abby asked me looking up with her small blue eyes.
“Your sister has helped me a great deal through this divorce with your mother” I replied stroking her long golden blond hair. “She’s been great with helping me clean up and cook meals for the three of us. Also she’s helped out with my needs as a man”
“What does that mean daddy?” Abby asked hiding behind his shoulder and peering into his eyes
“Well sweetie, my body needs stimulation from a woman to calm my urges. Your sister is very sexual and we are intimate in that way”. As I said this I slid my hand down from her side to the supple skin of her smooth ass. My hand found its way underneath her until I felt her panty-covered pussy. She moved off my hand instinctively as I felt her warm body from beneath.
“What are you doing daddy you’re not supposed to touch me there? What are you doi-” Abby protested

I knew it was now or never. I had to get firm with her or I would lose my chance forever. “I am your father sweetie and I love you very much. Do you love me?” I Interrupted
“Of course daddy but why are you doing this?” Abby looked at me confused
“You’ve become beautiful girl and I want to show you how happy you make me. You are going to let me touch you now because you don’t want me to be disappointed with you. You want me to love you as much as I love your sister don’t you?” I insisted. I felt her entire body loosen and Abby simply nodded her head. I continued my exploration as my fingers gently stroked her pussy through her soft panties.
“Enjoy it” I whispered into her ear as I continued to rub her cunt. I grabbed her gently and kissed her long; she did not kiss back, but put forth no resistance either. I tilted her down so she lay back on the couch and I slowly started to slide her shirt upwards, kissing her gorgeous stomach as I went.
“Daddy I really don’t want to be doing this” Abby repeated. “It’s wrong.” As she tried to lift herself up onto her elbows.
“I don’t want to become angry sweetie,” I warned “give it a chance I promise you’ll like it. Now tell me you love me.”
“I love you” she muttered quietly
“I can’t hear you!” I scolded “And call me daddy”

“I Love you daddy” she said louder this time, giving me that defiant look as she did. I continued to kiss her stomach and lifted her shirt over her head, tossing it to the floor. I was filled with lust as my lips moved to her cute breasts. It had been a long time since I felt this excited. I worked my way down her legs, peeling her thong off as I positioned myself between her legs and began to lick her silky smooth pussy. My tongue ran in circles as I probed and lathered her cunt. Despite her best efforts several dull moans escaped from her lips. She had been biting the bottom lip in some form of protest to ignore the obvious pleasure she was experiencing.
“It’s ok for it to feel good baby” I encouraged her
“Ok daddy” she decided as she threw her head back letting out a strong moan as she did.
I stopped for a moment and she sprung forward, her jumbled in her face
“Why are you stopping” she whined
“It’s time for you to learn how to please your daddy, tonight you’re going to become my love doll” I announced

“Ok..what do I have to do?” she asked him willingly but curious
“First you need to take off daddy’s pants” I guided her as I removed my shirt. I leaned back sitting against the couch and she got down between my legs on her knees. She undid my belt buckle and pulled my pants and boxers down only to find a throbbing cock pointing straight into the air. “Now I want you to kiss it, pretend it’s your very own lollipop” I went on “show daddy how much you love him” She slowly lowered towards my cock before taking the head into her mouth.
“That’s it baby girl, now bob up and down on it and flick your tongue over the head” I pleaded
She did as I asked of her and did it well, I threw my head back letting a moan out.
“Is this right?” she asked taking the cock out of her mouth, giving me the most innocent little face as she did
“Perfect sweetheart” I assured her, pushing her head back down onto my cock. She sucked it for what seemed like hours but was surely only about ten minutes before I stopped her.
“Mine is the first cock you’ve ever seen before, right princess?” I asked her firmly
“Of course daddy, I’m a good girl” she responded, I could tell she was really getting into it and was beginning to see what I wanted out of her. I stopped her though and put her on top of the couch. It was time I had a piece of that sweet pussy all to myself. I set her down on the couch, kissing her deeply, this time she was kissing me back with passion.
“It’s time now for you to have your daddy’s cock. I’m going to put it into your waiting pussy now”

“Mmm put your cock into me daddy, I wanna be yours. I want to do even better than Leslie does for you. I want you to love me more.”
“Ooo you will baby, you will.” I assured her. I put my cock to the entrance of her tight pussy and kissed her gently on her lips as I slid it in, taking her as my own as I did. She grabbed me hard at first but began to moan after a minute. I slid in and out slowly, feeling the tightness and warmth that my sweet baby girl was letting me fuck.
“Oo your so tight,” I told her as I smiled “Who’s daddy’s little girl?”
“Ooo I am daddy, I’m yours forever, you can do anything you want to me.” I smiled as I envisioned her sweet ass that I was about to take.
“I’m glad to hear you say that baby, because I have something else in mind for you now” I told her with an excited gleam in my eyes.
“What daddy? What can I do to make you so happy?” she giggled
“I’m going to stuff my cock up your ass then cum all over your pretty face”
“Oh won’t that hurt daddy?”

“It will hurt a little bit but your daddy loves to fuck in the ass and has been dreaming about your sweet butt for a long time. Are you going to give it to me? Tell me what I can do.” I
“Yes daddy, you’re going to put your cock in my ass. It’s so wrong but I love it. I want your cum, I want you to make me yours forever.”
“Oo I will baby, you’ll always be my little girl.”
I placed my cock at the entrance of her tiny pink asshole and gently pushed the head inside. I gently forced my cock until It was all the way inside her sweet ass.
“Oo that’s a good girl, tell daddy that you want him.” I ordered her as I moved my cock in and out of her tight little ass.
“I wanna be yours. Stuff your cock up my tight ass. Do it” She egged me on
I filled her soft ass with my cock fucking her hard as I held her hips tight. She moaned and constricted her ass around my cock until I was on the brink of cumming.
“Open your mouth sweetie” I grunted between moans
She did as I pulled my cock out and splashed my cum across her wanting face, pouring my load into her mouth and on her soft white cheeks.
“Oooh Abby” I shouted
“mmm” she moaned winking at me as I finished.
After she came from the bathroom we fell asleep on the couch together. This was going to be a fun week. We had so much catching up to do.

**Comments and ratings appreciated. Please let me know how you like this story. I’m trying to decide whether to continue this storyline**

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