This is the second chapter of my series. The screen names included in this ARE FAKE. Kerri and I were best friends but two nights before we were lovers, both of us experiencing our first lesbian experience. Although it may have seemed that this would make our relationship awkward, it almost made us stronger as far as a friendship went. We were both so turned on that when we talked to each other on the phone on Saturday night we had passionate phone sex, talking about our other deep desires and planing for the next time we would hang out together, alone. Monday came. I walked down the hall of our school watching her walk; her ass jiggled slightly, in those tight black spandex pants that I came to love on her. She didn't notice that I was behind her which didn't bother me because I had an amazing view and anyways we were both headed to our next class - science where she sat in front of me. The tables we sat at were doubles, with three row and about four tables in each column. Every other table was filled except for me alone in the back in the center row. Once we got to class we began chatting for a few minutes about normal gossip, not sex for a change but something about her was turning me on other than her amazing body. Those lips, they were heavenly and just thinking they were all over my pussy at one point made my nipples rise to attention behind my 32C sized bra. Kerri had on am amazing green low-cut shirt that showed off her perfectly round tits that seemed to be bouncing around more than usual today. The bell rang which signaled the beginning of class and our chat stopped. Just looking at her ass hanging off the chair made me even hornier but I knew I couldn't do anything right now, unless of course I went to the bathroom. Wearing no panties under a jean skirt was a good idea... When I got there the whole bathroom was empty, so I went into the furthest stall from the door so I wouldn't be disturbed. Once there, I noticed something wet sliding down the inside of my thighs. I thought to myself, "I knew I was horny but not this horny!" Upon inspection, I realized that my entire crotch was glistening with moisture. My pussy began to tingle even more then before, causing more wetness to seep down my legs. I knew it was time to get my pussy off, so I slowly began moving two fingers in and out while pinching my nipples through my tight strap shirt. I just thought of the way Kerri could be pleasuring me like she did on Friday night, how she was so wasted yet was such a natural at eating pussy that it seemed like she had done it hundreds of other times. About five minutes of this went by when I heard the bathroom door open. I thought to myself, "FUCK, I was so close to cumming and this dumb cunt had to come in and walk in on my pleasure session!" I suddenly heard a knock on my door and a familiar voice; it was Kerri. "Hey Angie are you in there, it's Kerri." "Yeah, what are you doing in here? You caught me at a bad time, hehe." "I knew you were by the way you were looking down my shirt before science!" "Fine, you caught me but you look so sexy today and it made my pussy so wet so I came in here to settle myself down." I said with a sexy smile on my face. "Well do you need any help in there baby?" "Are you kidding? Of course I do!" I unlocked the stall and let my best friend in. She began to strip off her tight black spandex pants, slowly trying to tease me the best she could. She then pulled off her pink thong and put it in the pocket of my skirt that was now laying helplessly on the floor. She went to take off her shirt but I quickly grabbed the collar of it and insisted that I take it off for her. She gladly accepted. I pulled her onto my lap brought her close to my face and we began to passionately kiss, just like we did two nights before. Her tongue snaked around mine as she kissed me fiercely, I ran my hands down her bare back onto her ass then up her sides as I finally got to feel her perky tits which were pressing against me. Rolling her rock hard nipple between my fingers, tugging and pinching it firmly Kerri nibbled on my bottom lip and slid her hands up my top. I backed off and pulled all my clothes off while Kerri stood with her legs wide open watching, playing with her pussy. I moved back in to kiss her our naked bodies pushed together, feeling her hard nipples on my skin and our pussy's rubbing together. She wrapped her leg around me so her cunt juice dripped down my thigh and my lips journeyed down her neck to her chest then around her swollen nipple where I sucked on it greedily. Kerri pushed me away and let me know it was my turn; she got on her knees and pulled me down onto the toilet lid forcing my knees open. Starting at my knee she kissed, licked and sucked her way along my thigh leaving a trail of moisture, kneading one of my large, firm tits. When she reached my cunt she stopped and I could feel that warm breath again on my stomach and cunt, it was driving me crazy and I started lifting my hips, pushing myself into her face and begging out loud for her to lick me. I could of cum as soon as her tongue made its first contact. She ran it along my lips and darted it in and out of my pussy, varying her speed and twisting her tongue at different angles. She sucked on my clit massaging it with her tongue making me groan and scream. Inserting three fingers into my pussy, my whole body was trembling and as I started to orgasm. Sweating and breathless Kerri stopped as she heard the door open. Even with Kerri’s hand over my mouth I could still obviously be heard clearly over the sound of footsteps which entered and made their way back out. That was close, I hope that wasn't a teacher I though to myself.. Shortly after, the bell sounded for lunch and we panicked as we realized we should have been back to science ages ago. We quickly dressed each other and made our way back to the science room to get our books. We both arrived to lunch nearly ten minutes late and all of our friends asked where we were. "We had to stay after to work on a science worksheet," I said with a sly smirk on my face. My eyes met my friend Mel's and we shared a glance. After lunch, as I was at my locker she walked up behind me. She whispered in my ear, "I know why you and Kerri were late for lunch and it definitely wasn't to work on science." "What are you talking about," I stammered, looking around nervously to make sure no one was in listening distance. "I could tell those moans and yells from anywhere," Mel said with a sneaky grin on her face. She must have been the one who walked in in the bathroom I thought to myself. "The truth is I'm really turned on by it Angie, I've never really thought of being with another girl and I know my boyfriend wouldn't like it and that he would wanna be the first one to take my virginity," thinking about it,"but I really wanna do it, right now," she said. "Right now!? You mean like me and Kerri were in the bathroom?" I snapped back. "Yeah of course, you don't know how wet I already am!" she said with excitement. "Alright fine," I said reluctantly. "But only because your so cute honey." "You really think that?" she asked. "Of course, your gorgeous." I replied. Mel was gorgeous too, she was about 5'2 with bleach blond hair; the complete opposite compared to Kerri and I. She had deep blue eyes and her natural beauty was amazing. Although she wasn't as developed as me or even Kerri for that matter, she still had cute little perky tits - a high A cup at least. She also had a tight little ass, credited to her being on the cheerleading squad for the school. Her, Kerri and I were almost always together. On this day she was wearing a tight white, low cut shirt similar to the one Kerri was wearing and a pair of jean shorts that almost made the tan lines on the bottom of her butt show. We had study hall directly after lunch so it didn't matter if we skipped it. Mel and I began to walk to the same bathroom that an hour ago, Kerri and I were using for our love session. Now it would be Mel and mine turn to have our fun. When we arrived the bathroom was yet again empty, to our happiness. We went to the same stall that Kerri and I used and we noticed that the floor was oddly wet. "You guys must have had riot in here!" Mel said with astonishment. I instructed her to sit on the toilet and to take off her shorts and to get her self more wet for me. "I will be right back baby, with a surprise," I said. I left the bathroom and headed quickly to my locker. When I arrived I went into my purse and brought out a giant, foot long dildo that I stole from my older sister. I knew it was going to come in handy eventually, the way my sex drive was going. I put in down my shirt, in between my boobs so that it wouldn't be seen. I began to walk back, and when I got about five feet away from the bathroom I heard loud moans from inside. "She's so loud! Someone has had to of heard her," I thought to myself. I rushed into the stall to find Mel completely naked and laying on the floor rubbing her little cunt. "Mel you have to be quieter! I can hear you all the way down the hall!" I said emotionally. "Ahhhhh Ang it feels so good," she replied. I had already came earlier that day via Kerri so I wanted to give Mel my absolute attention, to give her the sex experience of a life time. My only challenge was deflowering her, in a timely manner since we only had an hour of study hall. "Mel get back on the toilet and stop fingering your tight little pussy, I want to do it myself," I said very sexually. She did as I said but continued to pinch her small nipples. I got between her legs on my knees and began to slowly nibble on her cunt. She moaned and massaged her tits even more. "Her pussy was as wet as I have ever seen on girl!" I thought to myself. I brought the dildo between my legs and under my skirt and began to slide it in my wet, loose pussy. I moved up and down on it while still keeping my mouth all over Mel's wet mound. This continued for a good ten minutes until I decided it was time to do the deed, to take away one of my best friends virginity. I forced the dildo into her mouth, to make her taste my juices. "Mhhh, Ang this tastes so good," she mumbled while keeping the dildo in her mouth. "Are you ready Mel? It's going to hurt, I remember my first time; I was bleeding too," I said with a questioned tone. "Yeah Angie, I've wanted someone to do this for so long. I'm just happy it's someone I can trust and actually cares about me," she said with a smile. She handed the dildo back to me. I slowly began to maneuver it into her tight pussy, making sure to be extra careful to not go in too fast or hard. I finally felt her hard cherry and told her to embrace herself. I pushed and broke it in two thrusts, making sure to clean up the trickling blood running down her inner thigh. She cried with pain but I almost immediately thrusted the dildo back in again. In and out I went at a fairly fast speed, as she moaned with both pain and intense pleasure. I could feel her body shake and I knew she was about to erupt. I told her to stand up and to spread her cheeks. While still working the huge dildo in and out of her, I began to lightly lick her ass crack. She exploded, sending her pussy juices all over the bathroom stall. She screamed like I had never heard anyone scream before. When she was finished she was completely out of breath. "Ahhh, Angie that was amazing!" She said happily. "Your welcome baby, it's the least I could do for your little virgin pussy!" I said proudly. The bell suddenly rang and we knew we needed to hurry up and get dressed. Mel began to dry the floor with her panties, making sure to get them extra wet. Once we cleaned the stall and ourselves up, she handed me her bright pink and yellow panties. "Take these, she said, "you'll be using it more than I will tonight," she said with a cute, devilish smile on her face. We hurried back to class, but not before sharing a kiss to end their adventure. Later that night I was on the computer talking on instant messenger. I noticed both Kerri and Mel online and remembered that I still had their panties in my pocket. I locked my door and took them out. I sniffed them which sparked my pussy up, once again. I created a chat room and invited both of them to it. At this point Kerri did not know of mine and Mel's fun in the bathroom nor that she was the one who walked in on us earlier that day... angiebooxo: heey girlies kerrix33: heey baby melmelxxx: heythere, what are you up to? angiebooxo: nothing really bored and loney:( kerrix33: same here, hehe. i miss you girls angiebooxo: yeah, you dont know how much my pussy does too hehe:) kerrix33: OMG angie i thought we were keeping this a secret! melmelxxx: dont worry kerr, i know all about it. infact lets just say i heard a lot of noice when i walked into the bathroom today angiebooxo: yeah infact, me and mel had our own fun in that same bathroom kerrix33: that makes me jealous! ive always wanted to see what your like mel once you were out of your shell angiebooxo: lets just say she was a wild one! heh melmelxxx: it was absoutely amazing kerri! you dont know how badly i want you to get with me! kerrix33: i guess i missed it though... melmelxxx: well maybe not...you girls wanna hang saturday night? my parents are out of town and my older brother and sister will probably be out partying angiebooxo: sounds good to me:) kerrix33: itsadate! love you girls<3 angiebooxo: me too!<3333 melmelxxx: love you girlies too! And it was over, our next time was set and now I just had to get through the week! "I know one way to get around this obstacle," I thought to myself as I slowly began to get my dildo out and sniff Mel and Kerri's panties. I masturbated to the thought of the night we were going to have... tobecontinued.