Huge tits

Huge tits

My first encounter with sex happen when i was 14 years old.well to start off my name is sara and i had very huge tits for my age.i was pretty much and all around teenager, i wasn't much into girly things.i loved and played all kinds of sports.let me describle myself back then, i was 5'4 115 brown hair and green eyes.had a very womanly shaped body with 36d tits.well any girl knows that playing any sports with huge tits can cause back then i hated them with a passion.the day that this all started, i just got home from soccer practice and just took a shower. i had just put on my panties and had my robe on.i stood in front of my full body mirror and was looking at my body hating everything i saw .i started crying because i was so upset over how big my tits were and why did i have to have them.all of a sudden i heard a knock at my door forgetting that my dad just got home from work. both my parents worked my dad usually got home first then my mom came later.i quickly tied up my robe and tried to wipe the tears from my eyes.when i finally opened my bedroom door my dad was standing there.he knew right away that i been crying, and asked what was wrong.i really did not want to tell him, it's not something my dad and i talk about . my mom yes but not my dad.after he keep asking and he wasn't going to give up until i told him.i finally burled out what was the reason i was crying.he didn't say anything for awhile then he pulled me over to my mirror and had me look at myself.telling me that i had a beautiful body .as i stood there while he told me all the things great about myself, he slowly untied my breath caught as my dad parts my robe and slowly gribs both of my tits in each hand not that they fit.he say "baby you have the most amazing breast and girl would be lucky to have them."he moves his fingers to my nipples and begans to squeeeze them and massage until they harden like pebbles. i couldn't take my eyes off him in the mirror as he held my tits.he tells me"sara any guy or girl would love to suck your nipples ."it felt so good what my dad was doing, i didn't realize that i started moaning.i don't know what came over me but i knew i didn't want him to stop and i wanted more.out of no were i said "daddy i'm getting moist between my legs."after a few more pinches on my nipples my dad slide one hand down my belly and into my panties.i feel his hand cover my mound then slides a finger between my vagina he whisper" god damn baby your pussy is wet." all i could say was " daddy, daddy please."that's when my dad parts my lips wider and moves his finger back and forth from my clit to my moans get louded as my dad lends over and kisses my neck as he rubs my clit.i feel my juices getting my panties wet.after a while my dad stops rubbing my clit and looks up at me in the mirror.he say' baby you are so beautiful and hot, open your legs more for daddy." as i open my legs wider i feel his finger slide inside me.that's when i lost it and start humping my hips as my dad pumps his finger in my pussy hole. as my dad's finger went in and out he chants"baby cum for daddy ,cum on my hand."i couldn't take it any more and i came wave after wave of pleasure washed over my body, i screamed and over and over "YES YES DADDY" my dad finger went faster and faster as i came.i took me awhile to come off the high of cumming.when i could think straight i looked down at my dad's hand still in my panties and still wanted more.finally when he pulled his hand out of my panties and brought his finger to his mouth and tasted my cum off his finger.he then turns me around and bends his head to kiss me on my mouth.out of surprise i open my mouth and his tongue darts in and i taste my .we started kissing as my dad picks me up and lays me on the bed.i don't know how he does it but his clothes comes off then he takes off my robe and my very wet dad lays between my spreaded legs and say"sara tell me if you want me to stop , but i have to have my cock inside your pussy.i need to fuck you so bad.i don't have any protection, so i 'll try to pull out so i won't get you pregnant.' not really caring about anything just wanting to cum again.i said to my dad" i don't want you to stop.'my dad then rubs his cock up and down my pussy to coat his dick with my juices.after some more rubbing and kissing my mouth then sucking my dad slowly pushes his hard huge cock into my pussy hole.i feel some pain as he pushes more in dad starts whispering dirty words to me"baby i'm going to fuck the shit out of your wet pussy."after more pushing and coating his cock finally pops dad waits until i get use to the size and the feel of him inside my pussy , then he slowly pumps his hips back and forth.i'm moan and panting my dad pulls his dick almost out my wet pussy then slide it back in.he say"honey look at daddy," as i look at him.faster he pumps in and out he say"you are mine i'm the only guy that gets to have his cock in your pussy."say it."i scream " Daddy i'm your, please don't stop it feels soooo good."i pushed up my hips to meet dad slams his dick harded and faster and i could feel myself starting to cum i locked my legs around his dad say"baby i have to pull out now or i'm going to spill my seed deep in your pussy." "don't stop" i tell my dad.a few hard pumps and acouple of grunts my dad yells" honey i'm cumming."i feel squirt after squirt of my dads hot cum shoot aganist the inside of my pussy wall.that's when i cum, my vagina muscles milking dad dick of all its dad cum so much it start to seep out my pussy.

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