PMQuest: Chapter 07 & 08 - Play it Safe or Take a Risk

PMQuest: Chapter 07 & 08 - Play it Safe or Take a Risk

This story / fanfiction contains sex between a Human Ranger and all sorts of Female Pokemon. This story includes Femdom, Reverse Rape, Forced, Sex, Female Pokémon x Male Human Ranger. If you've missed the full introduction, please click on my Profile to get a overview of all chapters. This chapter is part of the path you've picked at the end of the previous chapter. Search on this page for 'Play it Safe' or 'Take a Risk' to continue your adventure.

Chapter 07 - Play it Safe

I was out of options.

My choices were to either drop the crystal, or try and charge her and hope that she’s bluffing. While her eyes had the same strange, dark glaze over them, there was a glint of sadism hidden behind them. If she was bluffing, she was doing a damn good job of it.

All this because what, I didn’t want to have sex with her? Was I going to put the Espeon in danger to stand for my morals? It’s a ranger’s job to put themselves at risk to help keep the natural order of the Pokemon world. Framing my reluctance in such a way made it look selfish.

...And yet…

“Having trouble?” The Leavanny asked, her Leaf Blade shimmering brighter. “I’d love to help you make your decision a little quicker, dearie. Keep me waiting too long, and others might show up before I have a chance at you!”

I grimaced. She had a point. “If we do this, then that’s it,” I let the words tumble out of my mouth like heavy rocks dislodging from my throat. “I don’t want another fight.”

She beamed at those words. “Yes! Trust me, I hate fighting. I’m not very good at it. I’m burning up inside, and I need you to stop it.”

“I don’t understand,” I frowned, palm aching from how hard I clutched the crystal that had saved me twice so far. “Why me? You’re in heat, right? Why not a male Pokemon?”

“Mmm, you must be new here,” she narrowed her eyes with a playful smirk. “There are no males here. None that I’ve seen, anyway. You’re my shot, sweetie! And I’m not letting you get away.”

No other males? That didn’t make any sense. No ecosystem could… no. No time to think about that. What mattered was what was in front of me. A Leavanny in her breeding season, in a forest that had, it seemed, no other males that could relieve her. I was her only choice.

...I could help her, right? All I had to do was drop the stone. My grip loosened, the ache of blood flowing back into my palms stinging me.

“Alright. If that’s what you need to calm down and stop all this fighting, then I’ll-”

A thump popped long the inside of my skull, Psychic pressure rippling through the air. It was a command with the tone of a weak, desperate plea. It made me squint and my mouth snap shut.

Don’t. Bad. Trap.

Disjointed thoughts, coming from the softened mind of the Espeon. Her eyes were narrow and sleepy, all her strength being used to raise her head enough to look at me. Despite those words, though, my choices were the same. This crystal was a great weapon, but I couldn’t use it to save all of us.

But I could save the two of them, and all it would cost me is, in the long term, nothing…

Nothing, except for whatever trap was waiting for me.

I closed my eyes, sighed, and finished my sentence. “...I’ll do it.”

The bug beamed again. “Well then! Throw that crystal over this way, and wait right there. I’ll come to you, and we’ll pick up where we left off~!”

Throw… that’s right. The crystal was still in my hand. I had to throw it over to her. Throw it…



….No. It was too risky. I couldn’t put the Espeon in danger any more. Whatever trap this was, I’ll deal with it when I get to it. I really was out of options. With a sigh, I took one last look at the crystal in my palm, and gave it a gentle toss in the Leavanny’s direction.

Her eyes lit up, following the crystal as it soared through the air until it settled in the grass. With a bright smile, she let go of the Espeon, filling me with some small relief that she seemed to keep her word. She shot a look at the Psychic type, one twisted in sadistic victory, before making her way towards me.

“Now then, we’re done fighting, yeah?”

I looked to the Espeon, whose eyes narrowed in weakness one more time before closing completely. Her head fell limp onto one of her arms. She either tired, or I broke her spirit with my surrender. It didn't matter, though. She wasn’t hurt, and that was more important..

“Yeah. So…”

The Leavanny didn’t let me finish speaking, her leaf sliding along my chest like a long, thin finger. It was tentative, her eyes darting to my limbs, looking to see if I was going to strike at her. But I couldn’t risk her breaking her promise, so I wouldn’t break mine.

Satisfied with my stillness, her soft leaves went to my wrist, pulling them towards my belly. “Just… to be sure,” she said, her voice stammering a bit as I felt a cool rush of air flowing from her lips. Wet, sticky strands of String Shot covered my hands, tying them together and leaving only my fingers to wiggle and strain in the bindings. I tested them a little, but not enough to show discomfort.

Her demeanor seemed to relax a bit, nodding at her handiwork. “Phew. Okay. I had no IDEA you humans could put up such a fight!” Her cheerful voice sang as her smooth arms traced down to my pelvis, my soft shaft starting to notice the breath washing over its teased flesh. “I thought this was gonna be another trick, but this is really happening, huh? I’m finally gonna do it…”

She looked up at me, a drunken smile on her golden face, though it frowned somewhat when it saw my own expression. No doubt I wasn’t looking so enthused.

“Aww, it’s alright,” she teased, her nimble leaf, once a weapon, now curling around my length and giving it a squeeze that felt far too nice for my willpower to deny. “I’ve been waiting a long time for this, you know. I’m not gonna screw it up…”

Her mouth returned to the head of my shaft, my eyes cinching shut to keep watching the arousing sight. My fingers clenched in their bindings, feeling a tongue circle the crown of my shaft in a practiced way. I opened my eyes, looking back to the Espeon. Seeing her body softly rising and falling in sleep relieved me. She said this was a trap, but I could get through this. It’s not like it was torture…

The Leavanny gave a soft whine, the vibrations tickling the head of my cock. I winced in pleasure, looking down to see her small eyes beaming back up at me. My shaft had hardened in the warmth of her mouth and the way her tongue painted it. She was bobbing now, her leaf moving to the small of my back to hold me steady. Her throat made small, squeaking sounds every time she pushed down, taking another half-inch of me with every pass. She was getting so deep now that her antennae brushed my abs, my fingers digging into the string that held them as my breathed hissed out of my lips through clenched teeth.

I could tear my eyes away from the way her strangely soft lips pulled and pushed at the skin of my cock, leaving a wet trail of her drool as she neared her smooth features towards my groin. The texture of her mouth changed, my cockhead now entering her thin throat. The bulge was noticeable, her whining getting quieter as she focused on taking more of me. More and more and more…

...And, with a final gulp, she took all of me. I’d unknowingly been anticipating it, and seeing it actually happen had a moan roll out of my throat before I could stop it. She smiled with her lips mashed on my groin, those small eyes of hers gleaming with pride.

I had to distract myself. I tried to talk. “For someone who says they’ve been looking forward to this… you have a lot of practice…”

That was my mistake. I thought having her mouth off of my cock would limit the pleasure, but both feeling and watching it move back up her tight throat, her round cheeks hollowing as she sucked me even harder, had me almost cough out another moan, my wet dick popping out of the bug’s smiling lips. The cool, open air was even more noticable now, brushing my sensitive, uncovered cock like a paintbrush.

“We all have,” she answered, wrapping my shaft in her leaf again and pumping the wet flesh slowly. “All the females here have. We’ve been training for this. For you…”

I was dumbfounded by her words, though the confusion did not keep me from feeling the way I throbbed along her cheek as she moved to nuzzle the head of my cock. A trail of preseed was already forming across her smooth skin. I shuddered and tried to compose myself.

“Me? Wh...why…”

“Shhh…. Laaaater,” she whispered, the air from her lungs tickling the base of my shaft as she gave my balls a warm kiss. “I don’t want to be interrupted again… You’re so delicious. I don’t blame that Eevee anymore…”

She sucked my head into her mouth again, and her sucking got more aggressive. The chittering whines returned, the soft rustling of her leaves meeting the noise of that wet, rhythmic slurping. I was nearing the limit of my will to resist, my mouth opening in quiet breaths as I fought so hard to stop any more moans from leaving the gates of my lips. My legs spread to stabilize myself, and her neck straightened, turning her throat into a sleeve that assaulted the throbbing flesh of my cock.

“...I…” All I could do was breath the word. The letter. I didn’t even know why I wanted to let her know I was close. But I did.

It only made her go faster. “Mmhmm,” came the muffled, but powerful sound. “Mmhmm. Mmhmm!” She encouraged me, feeling me throbbing in her mouth. In her throat. My fingers reached for her head. A flash of resistance seeking to pull her off of me.

It didn't last long. My fingers, seeking purpose, found her head and dug into her smooth scalp, knuckles brushing her collar of leaves. I pulled her, felt my hips jerk in a maddening seizure of pleasure, and came with a half-gulp, half-moan out of my traitorous, surrendering throat.

“Mmhmmmm!!!” She hugged my back in ecstatic bliss as she swallowed what I gave her. The tip of my cock was burning, and I could feel my seed bursting from my tip with a nearly painful pressure as I emptied myself. All the teasing I had endured, both from her and the Eevee, had built so much... up . I panted and moaned as I held her there, eyes blurry with the aftermath of such a powerful orgasm…

Fuck… I really needed that, didn’t I?

That thought entered my head unbidden, but not unwelcome. After all, it was only natural, after being teased for so damn long. There was also another warmth that entered me, something soothing and comforting that made me consider the shame of having been so humiliated… and then brush it out of my mind. I was doing what I had to do, and it felt damn good.

What was wrong with that?

I shuddered when I felt her pull away from my groin, tugging free of my fingers, my cock so sensitive that it was nearly painful to feel her bulging throat tug at the crown of my tip before that same loud, lewd pop filled the clearing. My member swung free, veins still throbbing as the entire thing leaked with the Bug’s drool. Seeing her face as wet as my dick sent another strange shudder of satisfaction up my spine. The next flex of my member caused another bead of white cum to roll out of my tip.

She rubbed it into her cheek, smiling up at me as she left a trail of my seed along the joints of her jaw. “Mmmm, yeeeesssss,” she hissed the word, her leafy arms rubbing along my hips as she nodded. “It’s sooooo good! Human cum… it’s just like they said!”

Another burst of warmth rolled its way into my mind. It was alien, much like the Espeon’s Psychic messages had been, but there were no words. No intentions. Only peace.

Peace… and hunger.

That hunger was foreign, I knew. It was likely the trap that the Espeon had tried to warn me about. My cock, still sensitive, remained hard thanks to the Leavanny’s cheek and stroking leaf. Her eyes turned up to look at mine, a coy smile lighting up her face as her antennae wiggled.

Finally able to catch my breath, I asked her: “Is that it? Are we done?”

Her smile didn’t fade. If anything it grew brighter. More playful. “Are we done?” She parroted, bringing one of her leaves to my wrists and placing the bladed edge along the threads she’d used to bind me. She snipped through them, freeing my wrists and pulling herself away from my cock. I was then aware of the cold air, my heat-spoiled dick demanding a return to warmth.

“I don’t know,” she continued, her voice lifting in a teasing tone as she got down to her knees, laying onto her back. At the base of her abdomen, her dripping slit revealed itself to me, that wet, round hole glistening with the need that she had been driven by. I was mesmerized again, seeing it in a new light.

“Aaare we?”

I shuddered at the invitation, looking over to the Espeon to both check on her well-being and keep my mind from being too influenced by whatever poison had been put into me. Her soft breathing reassured me, but it also condemned me. Knowing that she was okay, my mind had little to cling to to fight this growing seed of sick lust in my thoughts. The roots were in deep. I was about to cross the point of no return.

If I hadn’t already.

I looked back to the Leavanny, my knees bending until I was kneeling in front of her. She giggled in victory, wagging her abdomen back and forth until it knocked against my thighs. The soft, strange flesh there rubbed the base vein of my dick, the wet hole planting teasing kisses on my balls. “Fuck,” I whispered, making her giggle and nod, agreeing with my curse as though it were a request.

Taking the base of my dick in one hand, my other grabbed her abdomen and held it steady. It’s just a hole, my mind tried to justify. I just need to get off one more time. I just need to sate her heat. I just need to fuck her. That’s all I need to do. That’s all I need…

I pushed my way into her.

Her throat let out a loud, clicking chirp as I started to sink into her, her back arching and her abdomen flexing. The whole thing started swallowing me, pulling me into her like a vacuum. I gasped, letting go of our bodies so I could stabilize myself. Seconds later, I felt her String Shot whip from her mouth, the strands forming a rope around my neck. She tugged and I followed, now looming over her, forced to look down into those small, twinkling eyes. Her pussy squeezed and clenched, milking me without me having to give her a single thrust.

But that won’t stop me from trying.

My hips bounced, bringing her abdomen with me. I felt like we were glued together, my cock being squeezed from every angle. My back arched, the silken leash from her mouth tugging at me as I tried to buck harder. I had to work her hard, as if I were trying to shake her off of my shaft, to get my member to budge. She shoved back up just as hard, a hungry, eager gleam in her eyes. She was making this a game.

Two can play at that…

...What was wrong with me? Those thoughts...

The thought was pushed out with the next thrust, catching her right as she was pushing up against me. I mashed our bodies together and heard her loud, chittering bliss tickle my ears. Fine. If I couldn’t pull away, I’ll push my way through her. I dropped my weight into my next thrusts, her soft abdomen getting crushed by my hips and her sleeve forced to take me deeper. Her noises stopped, her slender throat clenching at the sudden force of my press.

“W-whoa there!” She managed to squeak out through the strings in her mouth. “You’re really-”

I shut her up with another thrust. I didn’t know what was going through me, but I after all that teasing, panic and fear, feeling relief and control was addictive to me. That strange heat was bubbling up from my groin, tickling the back of my mind like a feather made of electricity. She asked for this. She asked for all this. I was going to give her everything I had!

I leaned over her body, hugging her as I gave her another bout of brutal thrusts. Her leaves embraced me in return, her smaller body trapped under mine as I squashed her soft underbelly beneath my abs and groin. The only sounds came from our mouths, panting, moaning and squealing as her wet pussy choked on my dick. I was getting close, my eyes shutting as I felt her thin legs wrap around my thighs to try and keep me on top of her. Inside of her.

As if I was going to pull out. Silly girl…

I drummed and beat her body into the ground, the dull thud of her small body rustling the branches and leaves beneath her like music to me. I wasn’t going to tell her I was cumming this time. I wanted her to surprise her. I wanted to feel her relief… ​

I couldn’t stop the grunt from squeezing out from between my clenched teeth as lightning struck the base of my groin. The hot, tingling storm of pleasure crashed over my muscles as my dick throbbed inside of her. I felt my cum enter her, and then I heard her. That gasp. I felt her squirm beneath me, as if I was setting her pretty leaves on fire ​with my semen.

“C-cum,” she squeaked into my chest, her small legs digging hard into my thighs. “Cum. Yes! M-more! M-ah!”

I pressed hard into her, making sure to get my next ropes even deeper inside of her pussy. She was clenching down even harder, milking me, helping me drain all I had into her. I kept myself quiet so that I could hear her grateful moans and the way she gulped down her own drool to keep from choking on it.

“Guh. Buh. Hah…” Her gibberish was wonderful. It made me feel good. Powerful. ​The way I deserved to feel as a male. As a breeder…

Her little voice finally piped up, her leaves patting me on the back to get my attention.

“Thank you. I… I really needed that, human…”

“...Yeah,” I replied, a small smile on my face. “I guess I needed that too…”

She giggled in response, nodding and making us both shudder by clenching down on my throbbing member again. “I’ll say… still hard. So hard…”

She began moving her abdomen around in slow circles, tugging my hips around with her. My eyes looked up to the Espeon. Still sleeping, it looked like. Whatever. She was fine.

“Maybe I’m not done,” I looked down at the Leavanny, pulling my head enough to feel the strands hanging from my throat like a leash dangle. I guess I’d broken her little attempt at bondage.

“Oh?” Her antennae piqued, vibrating as her jaded eyes did their best to gleam with hope.

“Yeah… how about one more round?”

After all… where else did I have to be?


Game Over: Click on my profile to select another path to continue.


Chapter 08 - Take a Risk

I was out of options.

My choices were to either drop the crystal, or try and charge her and hope that she’s bluffing. While her eyes had the same strange, dark glaze over them, there was a glint of sadism hidden behind them. If she really was bluffing, she was doing a damn good job of it. All this because what, I didn’t want to have sex with her? Was I really going to put the Espeon in danger just to stand for my morals? It’s a ranger’s job to put themselves at risk to help keep the natural order of the Pokemon world. Framing my reluctance in such a way made it look selfish.

...And yet…

“Having trouble?” The Leavanny asked, her Leaf Blade shimmering brighter. “I’d love to help you make your decision a little quicker, dearie. Keep me waiting too long, and others might show up before I have a chance at you!”

I grimaced. She had a point. “If we do this, then that’s it,” I let the words tumble out of my mouth like heavy rocks dislodging from my throat. “I don’t want another fight.”

She seemed to smile much too brightly at those words. “Yes! Trust me, I hate fighting. I’m not very good at it. I’m just burning up inside, and I need you to stop it.”

“I don’t understand,” I frowned, palm aching from how tightly I clutched the crystal that had saved me twice so far. “Why me? You’re obviously in heat. Why not a male Pokemon?”

“Mmm, you must be new here,” she narrowed her eyes with a playful smirk. “There are no males here. None that I’ve seen, anyway. You’re my shot, sweetie! And I’m not letting you get away.”

No other males? That didn’t make any sense. No ecosystem could… no. No time to think about that. What mattered was what was in front of me. A Leavanny in her breeding season, in a forest with apparently no other males that could relieve her. It was just me.

...I could help her, right? All I had to do was drop the stone. My grip loosened, the ache of blood flowing back into my palms stinging me.

“Alright. If that’s what you need to calm down and stop all this fighting, then I’ll-”

A thump popped against the inside of his skull, Psychic pressure rippling through the air. It was a command with the tone of a weak, desperate plea. It made me squint and my mouth snap shut.

Don’t. Bad. Trap.

Disjointed thoughts, coming from the softened mind of the Espeon. Her eyes were narrow and sleepy, all of her strength being used to raise her head enough to look at me.

Despite those words, though, my choices were the same. This crystal was a great weapon, but I couldn’t use it to save all of us.

But I could save the two of them, and all it would cost me is, in the long term, nothing…

Nothing, except for whatever trap was waiting for me.

I closed my eyes, sighed, and finished my sentence. “...I’ll do it.”

The bug beamed again. “Well then! Throw that crystal over this way, and wait right there. I’ll come to you, and we’ll pick up where we left off~!”

Throw… that’s right. The crystal was still in my hand. I had to throw it over to her.

Throw it…


I reared my arm back, squeezing the stone with all my might once more. I didn’t know every property this stone had, but it seemed to react to my will. A shield. A sword. If this didn’t work, we would all be in serious trouble. But, if it did, then I could save all three of us.

I only had one shot.

Tensing my arm, I whipped my fist towards her, keeping it closed. Light shone through my fingers, and the Leavanny’s smile vanished as that light grew brighter and brighter.

And much, much closer.

She didn’t have time to do more than protect her face as the light, in the shape of a large fist, collided with her body. There was a dull, electric noise as it knocked the light bug off of her feet, sending her careening into the tree behind her. The branches shook slightly with the impact and, while I didn’t see any damage to her, she fell to the ground, weak and groaning.

I didn’t waste any time, running to the Espeon who smiled weakly as I looked across her body for obvious injuries. I sighed in relief when I didn’t find any, my hand immediately moving to stroke between her ears the same way I would comfort any wild Pokemon.

Did a good bit for my own stress as well.

...Gratitude, the concept slipped into my mind, her psychic powers still recovering.

“Don’t mention it,” I replied in kind, the adrenaline fading enough for the ache in my extremities and the tight pounding in my chest to be noticed. The hand I used the crystal in was cold and weak, and it seemed to only have the strength to hold onto that stone. Perhaps I overdid it…

...Worry flooded my chest again. What if I had overdone it? What if I really injured the Leavanny? Even if I was being attacked, the idea of hurting another Pokemon made a cold stream run down my spine, draining into my gut.

I had to check on her.

I moved the crystal to my other hand, the Espeon watching me as I stood up. I half-expected her to try and stop me, or at least warn me, but nothing came. Either she was too tired, or she was confident that my gambit had paid off. I’ll find out soon enough.

Approaching the Leavanny, I knelt before her, brow furrowed in concern. Though my weak arm was hard to raise, I’d much rather risk it than the one with the crystal, so I moved it to brush her cheek. It was warm, flushed even, and her head rolled weakly into my palm.

“Hey… are you…” I began, hoping that beam had the same effect the light had on the Eevee before. But my words made her eyes flutter back open, the sadistic glaze having melted from them leaving only the bright, crimson jewels of her natural shade. She looked up at me, eyes wide, mouth agape…

...And then quickly leapt backwards, her green, leafy body bending forward until her head mashed into the forest floor.

“I’m sorry!” Her voice was sharp and loud, despite being mashed into the dirt. “I’m so so sorry! I don’t know what came over me!”

She lifted her head, bubbles of tears forming at the bottom of her jewel-like eyes. Her antennae were wiggling furiously, and her mouth was stretched into a painful frown.

“Are you okaaay!?”


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