Lexi and I - PART 1

Lexi and I - PART 1

All of the stories I write on here are 100% true. I honestly did sleep around quite a lot with my Neice. She was the sweetest girl I'd ever met, and probley the best in bed too. I was a single 28 year old man, with short brown hair and deep sea blue eyes. Girls loved this about me, they said I was 'Cute'. I wasn't/ and am still not the hottest man in the world. I looked like zach effron, or so alot of girls told me back then. (I just didnt have a 6 pack like that dude).

My brother was about twice my age with 4 lovely daughters and two handsome sons. Jacob and Jackson where the oldest boys. Jacob was 22 and Jackson was 21. Jackson's twin sister was Lexi. Lexi was about 5 foot five with long curly blonde hair trailing down her back stopping at the edge of her butt. Then there was Samantha who was 17 with brown hair stopping at the top of her breast line. She was 5 foot one with the best blue eyes I'd ever seen. Than there was Chloe who was 12 years old standing at 5 foot with a small dainty body (still not developed) and cinnomon brown hair with blue eyes and the most perfect breast for a 12 year old. Ashley was 4 and she was the cutest little baby in the entire world.

My brother loved his family, and kept wanting it to grow. But his wife had recently gotton luchemia and passed away at the age of 53. My brother was devistated, so were the kids. But my brother began drinking and doing heroine - And we didnt want the kids being around that. Jacob was in college and so was Jackson, they were not able to afford the flight down to watch the kids. Lexi was still living at home and taking a year off before college. So that left me. I helped admit my brother to a rehab center and helped put his house on the market, (he had lost rights to keep the kids too). I then helped the girls move into my 3 bedroom house.

I had a really nice house too. I was a childrens dentist, so money had never been a problem for me. My whole house was modernized for my needs. But not childrens. It was my really sweet bachalor pad. the place where i would bring women and young ladys to have a few drinks and make me happy. But my plans had changed when I got the phone call saying that my brother had been arrested for having drunk driving with Ashley in the backseat. To make matters worse he had 17 pounds of weed of in his car. IN HIS CAR. I was horrifyed. Lexi and Chloe had told me about the problems in the past, but I could never imagine 17 pounds of weed in his car.

I had rushed to the police station to find Lexi, Samantha, Chloe, and Ashley waitting for me to take them to my place. I knew my name was written on the will if anything bad happened to the family, I was the one to go to... but i was never expecting this.

The girls had been staying with me less than a week when it happend. Me and Ashley were playing around the house tag. Chloe and Samantha wernt home from school yet, and Lexi was in her room. I chased Ashely through my house. She ran up my half flight stairs and right into Lexi's room. I didnt even think about what I was doing. I just ran in and scooped Ashley up in my arms. But not before I saw Lexi full spread out on the bed a dildo stuffed up her pussy. I was stunned and so was she. Her laptop was open in front of her as if recording her every move. She was so beautiful. But i knew what I was seeing was wrong. And as my cock went stiff below me I jumped clear out of my skin and turned around walking out as she ripped herdoldo out of her body. Ashly giggeled not understanding what we both had just seen.

Later that night we all sat around the table eatting dinner. except for Lexi. When everyone asked where she was, i shook my head saying she had gone to bed early. but I knew she was beyond embaressed.

That night, after I put Ashley in bed, everyone sat down together to watch a movie. Again, without Lexi. I told everyone i was going to call in early and head to bed. But at the top of the steps I froze outside of Lexi's door. I softly knocked but got a muffeled "Leave". I sighed and quietly walked in.

"Lexi?" I said looking at the small body under the sheets. I couldnt see her, but I knew she had been crying.

"Go away." She whispered.

I sat at the edge of the bed and gently rubbed her leg. Not as a sexual intention, but more as father to daughter.

"I'm sorry." I said. She threw back the covers reavealing her tear stained face. She had been crying alot and her face was drentched.

even though she had been crying, she was still stunning. Her red puffy eyes brought out the beauty in her cheeks. her ruffeled bed head was glorious and unlike anything id ever seen. her pointy breast stood outto me through her skin tight black tanktop.

"Im sorry," She said, "I though the door was locked and everything."

I leaned over and hugged her as our eyes made contact. She gripped her smooth hands around my hair just holding me. The poor girl was taking it very hard.

"Ever sense I turned 18 I have been broadcasting my body online. you know, to get alittle bit of side cash. It's how I payed mom and dad rent. I was in the middle of a priavte show when you walked in. " she sighed and rubbed her face. She then chuckled and began crying again. I leaned in and hugged her again as she sobbed into my chest.

"I Miss mom." She realeased the words dreadfully through her sobs. She just cried. I pulled her away and looked her in the eyes.

"It's okay, It will be okay. I know I'm not your mom, but I'm here for you now." I don't know if it was just her sorrow or what, but Lexi leaned in and pressed her salty lips against mine passiontely intertiwnging them with my lips. I should have stoped her right then and there, But I didnt. I let her. she pulled away and brushed her hairout of her face. We both just sat there.

"Lexi-" I started but she quickly interupted me.

"Can I give you a blow Job?" I'm sure she noticed the shock resign on my face, but we both just sat there. She was my neice, my brothers daughter. But she was so God damn hot. I couldnt speak but nodded. She jumped out of the bed in her booty shorts clearly showing off her figure before shutting the door and locking it. I watched Lexi turn towards me and glide over her beauty raideating off of her. She bent down to my wasit and undid my belt buckle. slowly, she took it off and dropped it to the floor. before I knew it, she had popped my dick out of my pants and into her hand. My dick is known as a "Donky Dick" Based off of Donkey kong. It is both wide and long, and very nice. It is about 8 1/2 inches

"Oh my god." Lexi whispered gripping it in her hand, "Oh its hudge." She chuckled before sticking the whole thing in her mouth. she quickly brough her mouth up and down across it slowly. my face must have shown shock, She felt so good, but so small. she slowly licked the area around the head before going back down on the shaft. she backed it up dipping her head across the head, sucking clearly, and only on the head. she slowly moved her head back licking the left side of my dick. I watched her turn her attention towards my balls wrapping her lips around them sucking on them long and good. she repeated her process across my whole body getting faster and faster everytime. the feeling was unbealible. I hadnt had that good of a blow job before. And I had fucked hundreds of girls by that point.

She moved so fast, but so good. I felt the sweeling begin in my balls and it took me everything not to scream.

"I'm cumming." I gaspped as i let a load into her awaiting mouth. She made sure he got every last drop before pulling away and setting back on her legs making sure to show me she could swallow it. We both sat there, I was starring at her. I pulled her closer kissing her gently, our lips rubbing. I could feel the cum left on her lips. But she was so good. I reached under her shirt and felt her breast. They were around the size of my hands, nice large tits. I felt her moan but pull away.

"Thats enough for tonight." She said. her tears were all gone by now. I nodded unsure of what just happend.

"I'd love to do that again." She winked. I left the room, unsure of what just happend. When I got back to my room, i jacked off too some old porn movies for hours.

I had just gotten thebest blow job from my neice. what was i doing.

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