Sweet Nannie 1 Mysteries

Sweet Nannie 1 Mysteries

My name is Nannie Greene and this story is how my life has changed forever.

Im Nannie Greene im exactly 5'7" and weigh 105lbs. I really do admire my body so much i look in the mirror all of the time admiring my C size breats which i absolutely love. Im 15 years old which means my parents dont want me dating anytime soon they are so worried about me getting pregnant or raped, i never have any fun at all. I wish i could have an adventure like in the stories that i read. All of my parents are red heads but for some odd reson i have dirty blonde hair and my brother always makes fun of me by saying
"Only red heads and brunettes have adventures Nannie," god i really hate him.

I dont only hate hime for making fun of me, he caught me giving a blowjob to my high school crush Kyle Thoma,man he is a stud. Anyways i have to suck my little brothers small cock evry night or he'll tell mom on me. For a 13 year old he sure does have a small cock its only 3 inches.

" Oh sweet sister of mine its time for our nightly ritual," said TJ my little brother. This is the worst part of my life, he always rubs this in my face and tries to savior every moment. He is laying on my bed smiling from ear to ear. He motined for me to kneel down in front of him on the bed and i walked over and began to unzip his pants. I swear you could not tell that he has a hard on at all it really is so small. It popped out of his jeans as soon as i stopped unzipping him and my heart began to race. It was really small but very smooth and appealing and i love the taste of that salty sweet come dripping down my neck heading to my tummy.

I began to stroke him and TJ was moaning a bit and moving his hips with my hands and i started to lick his cock head, his pre cum tasted so sweet i wanted him to cum right then and there so we could be done and my thirst for cum satisfied. After a few seconds of licking i removed my hand and slid his cock all the way into my mouth. His cock must be growing because it was now touching the back of my throat. I began to bob my head up and down licking,sucking,and tasting his cock, this sent rushes of electricity through my body and i almost forgot i hated him. He was full blown moaning and moving his hips,fucking my mouth. He put his right hand on the back of my head and began to move it with my head motion.

" Oh Nannie this feels so good i love your tongue swiveling up and down my cock caressing my head to find what present is inside," moaned TJ. With this i knew he is close so i moved my head up and down faster and faster until he screamed,"Ohhhh Nannieee im fucking cumming ," and all of a sudden i tasted this hot goo hit the roof of my mouth as he pushed my head all the way onto his cock. His cum began sliding its way down my throat towards my tummy when he saw my throat moving up and down to swallow his cum and he bagn to cum even more into my mouth, I always loved this part his sweet and salty cum tasted so good and knowing that his seed is swimming in my tummy always turned me on so much. Finally he was done and his cock came out of my mouth with a plop not spilling any cum onto my bed.

"That was the best you ever done,"nd he kissed me full on the lips and his tongue snaked into my mouth mine and his began to dance with eachother, this part was making me feverishly horny as i loved french kissing. Our tongues lopped eachother and wrapped around each other until i pulled away and said were finished and that he should go to bed now. He left without a word and i called in my big malimu Sasha to come sleep with me. I stripped down naked and spread my legs in front of the dog and she bagan to lick my shaved pussy her tongue moving in and out,over my clitoris and down to my tight little butt. I began to maon and imagine Kyle fucking my virgin pussy. I began to orgasm and screamed and squirmed all around my covers. After i finished i fell instantly asleep.

"Hey missy wake up before the Bloods see you," said a strange man. I open my eyes to see im laying completly naked in a street alley. " Who are you?,where am i? and why am i naked?" i asked feeling very frightened.

"I am Colonel Vance Mortimer but you can call me morty. Your in Traverse Town and you being naked beats me here i brought you some clothes."said Morty and he handed me a thong some jeans and a T shirt that was completely white. "thank you'" i said,"but how did i get here?"

"Why missy i havent the slightest clue you sure you dont live around here?" asked Morty. "No i dont" i said and all of a sudden he looked scared,i turned to see a group of boys wearing all red and looking very mean.

" Hey old man wanna share some of that booty with us?" asked a real tall one.
"Sorry missy but your own your own" and with that Morty ran as fast as an old man could.
"Come here hotty we arent that mean honest" said a real fat one. They began to run at me and i put my arms up and screamed but they grabbed me and ripped my clothes off. They're 3 in all a tall one a fat one and a little kid all waving thier cocks in my face. The kid began to grope my breasts and the tall on stuck his cock in my mouth and started to fuck my throat. The fat one started to laugh and positioned his cock at my pussy entrance and slid his head into my pussy. But thats as far as he got when and deep voice yelled stop and all of them turned to see a man wearing silver chains and a dark black robe with his hood up so i couldnt see his face.

" Oh my god its a Reaper every man for himself" yelled the fat one and he pulled his head out of my pussy lips and the tall one retracted his cock and ran away carrying the kid.

"Are you hurt did they harm you in anyway?" the mysterious man said with deep concern and lightened tone of voice. I then blacked out to the mercy of my rescuer.

this is the first of many parts to this story and i guarantee you this whole saga will be worth reading if you have any suggestions or comments you dont want others to see send me an email at [email protected]

Thanks for reading and pray the mysterious stranger is as nice as he sounds in Sweet Nannie 2 The Blood Gang.

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