Angel 2 © This is a fantasy. Any resemblance to real people or places is coincidental. ******************************************************************* Angel stared in surprise, as the funny looking man is the striped pants dabbed the tears running down his face with his tail. “Who are you?” She asked. He stopped crying long enough to answer. “I thought everybody knew that.” He said. “I’m the Stripped Tailed Cat.” He said waving his tail proudly. “Most just call me Stripe. See how long my tail it is? Aren’t the stripes beautiful?” Angel agreed the tail was indeed nice, and then asked. “Why did you call me those nasty names?” Nonplused by her question, he knelt by her and caressed her inner knee. “Are you sure you’re not a slut?” He reached higher to touch her thigh near her tattered panties. Angel was frightened. The soft pads on his fingertips did feel so good; she didn’t really want him to stop. She felt an odd heat in her abdomen His touch was getting a little to personal. To distract him she asked, “Can you really fix my panties?” “Of course I can. Do want me to fix them before or after?” He was caressing both of her thighs now, slowly moving higher. Before Angel could answer, he said. “Raise your hips and I’ll fix the panties right now.” She wanted to protest but she raised her butt off the path instead. He pulled them down over her knees to her feet with one fluid motion. “Feet please.” He said. “Nice heels. “ He remarked rising to his feet. Then the Striped Tailed Cat buried his nose in the crotch of her tattered panties sniffed. “What a wonderful aroma!” He smiled ecstatically. “No don’t get up Ah…Angel.” He said. “I’ll fix them right now.” Stripe said crumpling her panties up in a ball. “Now watch closely.” With that, he closed his left hand over the tattered cotton panties hiding them from view. Then he waved his right hand over the left and muttered a few words. Then he threw the ball of cotton in the air. It disappeared in a puff of smoke. Then a new pair of panties floated down to land in Angel’s lap. “On my, how did you do that?” She gasped. “It’s a secret Slut…ah…Angel.” Stripe said. “I can do all sorts of other things too.” He bragged pulling her to her feet. “How about that patch of lawn over there? Or do you want to pay me right here?” “Do what?” Angel asked. She had a sinking feeling in her stomach. It wasn’t too hard to guess what he wanted. She blushed, feeling a completely new sensation in her crotch. Stripe twitched his whiskers rolling his eyes. ”Here or in the grass.” He insisted. “You owe me Slut or Angel if you wish.” “I owe you…Well I suppose the grass would be better.” She said wondering why she agreed to…”I must be crazy!” She thought as she let him lead her off the path. The patch of grass was under in the shade of a large oak tree. When they reached the middle of it Stripe, let go of her hand and stepped back. “Don’t take your shoes off just the dress, please.” He licked his lips and tugged his whiskers. Angel couldn’t help herself. Before she knew it she dropped her dress on the grass and stood naked but for her ankle sox and high heeled shoes. She blushed to the nipples of her tits and giggled. “Would you fix my dress too?” Stripe looked at her goggled eyed. “You’re so beautiful I would do anything for you!” He paused “If you’re good enough.” He finished. He thought for a few seconds then said. “I’ll do you from behind. Hands and knees please!” She blushed again when he toed his shoes off and stepped out of his pants. His thing didn’t quite look like the pictures she had seen, but then he was a cat. Stripe waved his growing cock at the girl standing in the grass. “Well, what are you waiting for? Get on your hands and knees!” Obediently Angel got down and waited to see what he would do. “You have to know I’m new at this.” She said eyeing his cock. “Are you going to stick that thing in me? If that’s what you’re planning to do. It won’t fit.” Stripe looked at her in astonishment. The Slut looked like a slut, but she did not act or sound like a slut. In fact, she acted as if she had only a vague idea of what she was supposed to do. He was getting very excited. He stroked his ‘thing’ to the size he thought would fit best in the slut. Not too big, not too small just right, he grow it bigger after he started. “What a gift chance has given me.” He mumbled. “A brand new slut.” “What did you say?” Angel asked. She felt foolish on her hands and knees and naked too. “Nothing, nothing important…ah…Angel.” Stripe said kneeling behind her. “Here let me help you to get in the right position.” He pushed her knees apart first then had her arch her back. Angel felt not only silly but also a little frightened. The cat mans touches were getting a bit too intimate for her liking. However, her body responded to his touch. Her formally ’virgin’ pussy was wet in anticipation. He took off his striped top hat and laid it gently on the grass. “I’ll be very gentle at first.” He said quietly. Then to Angel’s surprise, he griped her hips then licked her exposed slit with his long rough cat tongue. Angel blushed beet red. “Oh!” She gasped. “That’s nasty but it feels so good! Do it again!” She cooed. Stripe usually complied with a slut orders especially a sweet one like Angel. He started licking her with long licks. Now and then his tongue reached deep an inch or more in her cunt, then in her ass. “Oooo!” She mewled in pleasure. Her breath came in short gasps “Don’t stop that’s wonderful!” Stripe licked her until her pussy was oozing girl juice down her trembling thighs. Panting in arousal, she moaned with each deep lick. The blush spread over much of her body now. Stripe smiled like the cat that got the canary. Angel was his now. He could do most any thing to her he wanted. Then he heard the words. “Do it! F…fuck me!” She cooed loudly. “Oooo! Do it!” Stripe knee walked up and shoved the swollen head of his dick in her cunt. It was her first real cock even if it was a cat man. “Oh! That’s big.” She gasped. “Does it hurt?” He asked pausing. “A little.” She moaned. “Go slow. Let me get used to it.” He pumped his cock head larger. Then he slowly pushed deeper in her body. He didn’t stop until he hit resistance. Angel screeched in pain. “Take it out! Take it out! Please take it out! It’s too big!” “We’ve just begun.” He remarked casually, pumping his dick in and out. “It gets better.” Angel could not escape; his hold on her hips was too strong. “Arc your back and drop to your elbows Slut!” He commanded, fucking her harder. Each time his furry hips slapped her ass her tits bounced. She dropped down now the grass lightly scratched her nipples. Angel moaned and whimpered, in pain and desire. “I’m going to cum!” He growled between grunts. Then yowled like an angry cat spurting huge gouts of cum in her hot cunt. In a few seconds, he was finished. His cock came out of her pussy with and audible pop. Stripe yowled again dropping back on his heels panting. Angel sat up and looked in amazement at the cum oozing out of her pussy. She had a sudden thought. “Did you get me pregnant?” She scowled at Stripe. “How can I explain if I have a litter of kittens? What am I going to do?” “Not to worry.” Stripe grinned. “Take some cum out of your pussy and eat it.” He grinned wider. “Swallow as much as you can. Then lick your girl juice off my dick. “I guarantee you won’t get pregnant if you do that.” Angel scooped thee fingers full of his white gooey sperm. “You’re sure about this?” She asked licking her fingers clean. “Absolutely Stripe said. “The more you swallow the better.” She wasn’t at all sure about his suggestion. Still the white stuff didn’t taste bad. Kind of salty sweet Angel thought. She took another scoop and put it in her mouth. “The taste does grow on you.” She smiled. “And I am a little hungry.” Stripe just knew he was getting his cock sucked. An hour later cum dripped from the corners of Angel’s mouth as she greedily swallowed another load. “Oh dear I’m a mess.” Angel giggled looking at the spatters of cum on her tits. “I have it in my hair too. I’ll have to bathe somewhere.” She said collecting the gobs of cum with her fingers. Half-asleep on his back, Stripe groaned opening one eye. “There is a steam a ways that way.” He said waving a hand toward the path. “Thank you.” Angel bubbled in a cheery voice. Then she looked at his much-depleted limp cock. “Are you sure you don’t have anymore?” Stripe groaned again. “Not for at least a week.” He said. He rolled over on his side and went to sleep. Skipping down the path Angel felt a little strange thinking about what she had just done. “Proper girls don’t do things like that.” She said. “But this isn’t a proper place.” She added looking at the odd trees along the path. “I do hope I find that stream soon. Then I can get dressed.” Shortly she saw a stone bridge over a stream ahead. The water was cool and refreshing Angel splashed and laughed washing the dried cum off her lithe body. After a short time, she got cold and a funny tingling sensation coursed through her. She sat on the grassy bank naked drying off and warming up. After a while, most of the strange tingling stopped except in her chest. “This is nice.” Angel thought admiring the lush greenery around her. The warm sun soon dried her skin and hair. “I do hope I can find my way home soon. As nice as things seem it is still strange here.” She remarked rubbing her breasts. “What is this?” She gasped, cupping her tits with her hands. She looked down at her breasts. Something was odd. How did they get that big? They were not big, big just bigger than they were before. “A half a cup size or more.” She muttered. “Now how did that happen? Not that I don’t like them. Now all my training bras will be too small.” She tweaked her nipples and sighed. That made her nipples hard and her groin tingle as well. “Oh dear, I though I was over that.” Angel looked around guiltily. All she saw was a sparrow sitting on a limb. Across the stream, a pair of eyes watched her every move. “That must be Angel.” He thought. “The sparrow was right she’s the most beautiful Slut I’ve ever seen.” He was reluctant gallop right over the bridge. If he did, he would be out of bounds. The Queen would have his balls cut off if he left his territory. He had to wait…then if he showed himself…she might be curious enough to come over and pet him. Most girls and sluts like ponies…and he was a small pony, certainly not big enough to be a threat . To be continued