Foxy Knoxy -3 Meredith's Ordeal begins

Foxy Knoxy -3 Meredith's Ordeal begins

Prior: Foxy Knoxy
Prior: Foxy Knoxy II

(Foxy Knoxy – Foreign Students Amanda and Meredith fight at their flat in a small Italian city. Amanda goes to the bar where she goes to the back room to entertain three men who are a little rough.
Done with the men Amanda waits at the bar for her boyfriend. Meredith goes out to get laid and
finds Rudy, an immigrant from Africa who is unhappy with Meredith)

Now that is more like it. Meredith could feel the big bulge in Rudy’s pants with her foot.
Rudy smiled and quit talking as Meredith move her foot against his swelling dick.
Rudy got up taking Meredith by the hand. He led her through the bar and down a hallway
to the back of the bar. Rudy opened the door of the utility room and flipped on the light switch.

Only a single 100 watt bulb lit up the dingy room. Old boxes were stacked against the walls and buckets and mops littered the floor. The room was damp and smelled of disinfectant.
Meredith was trembling, this was so edgy, she was going to fuck this black hunk in dirty back room.
It was son primal, so down and dirty, so right.
She pulled him close to her, grinding her groin into his. “Fuck Me Rudy, Fuck Me, Fuck Me.”

After two hours Meredith was exhausted. God, that was just what she needed. Fucking Awesome.
HUGE, terrific stamina, he had fucked her every which way. When he came, he was ready again almost at once. The fucking acrobatics was unreal. He fucked her like a fucking pretzl, ankles behind her head. It was fucking deep and he was so unbelievably hard. He screwed her up against the wall.
He back-doored her against the sink. Relentless, it had continued without let up.

Meredith was down her knees. This was the cock sucking challenge, could she get him off one more time and could she handle that big guy down her throat? Oh god, he was ready again. AGGHHH, she had him fully down her throat, what a feeling. Her hands around his strong
black butt, she could feel him throbbing inside her.

This guy is unbelievable. Meredith reached down with her right hand stroking her pussy while
he came down her throat. DAMN DAMN DAMN.

Meredith kissed Rudy. “That was fucking fantastic, we have to hook up again some time.”
“Hey, I thought I could come over to your pad, we could hang out.” Asked Rudy.
“OH, not this time,
“I need to crash and then I have a lot to catch up on. Maybe next week.”
“Come On???” Rudy pleaded.
“Hey, I’d like to but it doesn’t work for me right now.”

Meredith had a tough time walking home, she was so sore from the workout with Rudy.
It had been awesome but no fucking way she was taking him home. He was good for…but…
All the way the memories of Rudy swirled through her mind. He was so primal, so intense.
When he had her us against the sink, he was in total control shoving himself up against
her ass, driving himself deep up her ass.

While Meredith was reliving the fucking she got, Rudy was pissed off. Doesn’t work for me? What the fuck does that mean. Used again by some white bitch. Rudy decided to shadow her home. He didn’t know what he wanted but this was bullshit, he was tired of this crap. Rudy seethed as he followed Meredith down the winding streets of the old Italian town.

As Rudy watched her enter the old flat, Rudy laughed to himself. This place would be a piece of cake.
Looking at the windows he could see everything was dark. He saw a light come on, that was Meredith’s room. It was break time at the college and Rudy guessed most of the students would be out of town.
He made his way to the back and found the cellar door. Experienced at break-in he saw this would be
an easy entry. Quickly inside he made his way quietly around the flat. There was no sign of anyone except music from Meredith’s room. Rudy still didn’t know what he wanted to do so he made his way back out and headed the short distance to his apartment.

Amanda’s boyfriend, Raffaele got to the bar. Amanda grabbed the bag he was carrying to see what he had. “Awesome” she smiled as she saw all the good shit he had. They were going to get high tonite.
The bartender, Patrick gave Raffaelle a small drive backup. “Amanda had a good night, you will enjoy this one.” Patrick slapped Amanda on the ass. “See you tomorrow.

Raffaelle couldn’t wait to get the bitch home. Get her high, watch the film of her night in the backroom
while he fucked the livin hell out of her. He looked at Amanda, you would never, never think she was such hot fucking whore. She looked just like the average American girl in Europe.

Meredith lay in her bed, TV on, but she had dozed off. “AGHHHHH” SHE SCREAMED. She awoke finding herself surrounded by several men. “Scream all you want bitch, no one will hear you.”
She recognized Rudy among the half dozen young black men surrounding her.
“Rudy, what are you doing her, who are these men.”
“Bitch, you thought you could just send me off? You are too good to bring me back with you.”
“NOO, I was tired, I just needed to sleep. I didn’t.”
SMAAACK. Meredith recoiled from the slap across her face. “Lying piece of trash.
“I am not good enough for you.” “No Rudy that’s not…”
SMAAACK. “No more bullshit from you.”
Rudy pushed her off to the side and laid down on the bed.
A knife pushed up against her neck. “Suck his cock, English slut.”
“Be good about it.”
“No Please, what are you going to do to me. Leave me alone.”
AHHGGG Meredith screamed as she felt the knife pierce the skin on her neck and
felt blood trickling down.
“Stupid slut, you don’t listen too well, you do understand English.”
“Suck it NOW”

Meredith took Rudy’s swelling dick in her mouth.
“Trash Bitch, get your slut ass up in the air.”
Rudy looked at the stupid English cunt with satisfaction.
Laying on her bed, his head propped up on her pillow he watched
her suck his cock while his man held his knife to her throat.
Kneeling, her ass up in the air another thug was rubbing his cock against her slit.
“Look up at me!” Rudy yelled. The man with the knife pulled her head up by the hair.
Rudy smiled at the panic stricken English girl. He motioned to his man who ran his
razor sharp knife along Meredith’s cheek cutting a slight gash.

“Please Rudy, please don’t, I’ll do what ever you tell me.”
Meredith felt the sharp blade against her neck. “Oh god No.”
“Do what you are told and maybe we will let you live.”

(To Be Continued)

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