Debauchery: The Invitation

Debauchery: The Invitation

The Invitation


I pulled up to the huge mansion in my car. Valet was waiting with smiles on their faces.

“Hello.” The young man said opening my driver side door.
I grabbed my bag and purse.
“Here is your ticket, enjoy your evening.” He said.
“Thank you.”
I smiled

He hopped in my Buick Enclave and drove off, leaving me there standing on the gravel. I paused for a moment and looked around. All I heard was the singing sound of the crickets.

I slowly walked to the door. Did I really want to do this? Was I really ready to walk through that door?

I rang the doorbell.

A tall white muscular white man answered the door. He was maybe 6’5, mustache and goatee, shaven head, and broad shoulders. I could see the earpiece in his right ear.

“Password.” Was all he said.
“Debauchery.” I shakenly said.
He looked at me up and down.
“Red.” I said.
He opened the door and moved out the way.

I was in.

~Chapter 1~

My name is Kelly Adkins. I am thirty-two years old. I work as an ER nurse. I have been married six long years to my husband Courtney. We met in college, at a friend’s birthday party. He had this sense of humor that drew me in. He was attractive, driven and persistent. He worked to get me. And now, it seems like he decided he didn’t need to work in order to “keep” me. Our marriage has been going downhill in the past two years. I guess it was around the time I had my gall bladder surgery. The recovery was a lot harder than he or I anticipated. It took me almost two months to recover and in that time, I gained weight. I went from a size 14 to a size 24. I hated how I looked and truthfully, I think Courtney hated how I looked. I still had a shape and I still had curves, but…. I was naïve, I ballooned up. I did not look the same way I looked when we got married. It took a toll on our sex life. I didn’t even initiate sex anymore, and neither did he. We hadn’t sex in over a year. My theory was simple, if my husband isn’t having sex with me, he was having sex with someone.

Now, I am bored.

At work, about three weeks ago, a woman came in following an automobile accident. Her name was Naomi. I worked on her case, and she and I had a chance to talk. She is the one who told me about ‘Debauchery’. I had never heard of the place, until she told me about it. We made small talk. I told her I was married, she is divorced. She asked me about kids, I told her none. She didn’t have any either. Somehow, some way, we had a personal conversation and I told her a little about my marriage. It can be easier talking to a stranger than someone you know. I don’t know why, maybe I was just desperate to talk to someone. I told her my husband I were more roommates than a married couple. We talked about our sex life. I explained to her that it has been a year. I remember her eyes got big. She asked me if I had a sex drive. I laughed and told her I did, but that my husband just doesn’t find me attractive. I told her, I had gained weight and ever since then, he doesn’t even joke about sex, let alone attempt to have it.

One night, as I checked Naomi’s chart, she told me about ‘Debauchery’. She gave me little details about it, the only she told me was “If you want to let your inner goddess out, this is the place to do it.” I laughed and told her “my inner goddess is on life support; she needs more than some club to come out.” I shrugged it off, she gave me the card and I tucked it away in my scrubs. I had forgotten all about it. Two days later, she was discharged.

Two weeks later, I was home waiting for my husband to come home when he texted me to say he was running late. He was always running late. I saw the credit card bill; I wasn’t stupid I was fully aware that he was seeing someone. I didn’t confront him, in fact I kept my mouth shut. I mean, he went to Tiffany & Co, yet neither he nor I have any jewelry from there. I saw purchases from Lane Bryant, but I didn’t receive any clothes. I knew what was going on. I just wasn’t ready to call it quits yet. I asked him when he would be home, he said it would be late, told me not to wait up. I laughed to myself as I poured a glass of wine. After my third glass, I remembered the card Naomi gave me. I searched all in my closet, before finding the black card with silver writing.


On the back was a number to call. I grabbed my cell phone and dialed the number, on the third ring, a woman answered.

“Hi…. Uhhh…. I was looking for ‘Debauchery’.” I said.
“Yes ma’am, who referred you?”
“Naomi… uh…. Naomi Watts.”
She cleared her throat.
“Wonderful, what is your name?”
“Kelly Adkins.” I answered.
“Ms. Adkins, on the back of your card there should be a four-digit code, can you read that to me?”

I turned the card over.

“4512” I read.

“Excellent.” She said.
I put the card into my wallet.

“Your password will be ‘Debauchery’ and the color code will be ‘red’, you may want to write that down.” She began.
“You will need to bring in your test results, those results must be within 72 hours and signed by a doctor.” She said.
“Test results?” I asked.
“Yes ma’am, STD results, you would need to go and get tested.” She said matter of fact.
“Oh…. Ok.”
“Once you have those results, you would need to bring those in person to our offices.” She said.
“Ok” I said.

Two days later, I found myself waiting in a room down in Buckhead.

“Ms. Adkins? Come on back.” a tall blonde woman said.

I followed her to a room painted in red. The couch and chairs were black leather; the chandelier was made of crystals. She had boudoir phots hanging on the walls, some naked, some in lingerie. I took a seat on the chair and handed over the manila folder that had my test results in there.

“Can I see your license?” she asked politely.
“Sure.” I said digging in my purse.
“Here you are.”
“Our next social event is this Saturday.” She said filling out a form.
I nodded.

We sat in silence as she wrote the form up.

“Ok, here is the key, which is also your entrance in.” she explained.
I took the key.
“Your color is red, which just means you are a first timer. You will see people in white, those are members who have been here before and are used to the place. You can wear red as many times as you want. Red lets everyone else know that…. you’re new.” She smiled.
I nodded.
“There are no rules for ‘Debauchery’, the only rule is ‘no absolutely means no’, that’s it.”
“So if a man tells me ‘no’ then….”
“No, a man won’t tell you ‘no’, you would tell him ‘no’.”
I looked down at my hands and laughed.
“Trust me, you will have a large array of men to choose from.” She said softly.
“This is the non-disclosure agreement. You cannot discuss ‘Debauchery’ with nonmembers.” She said.
I nodded.
“Here you are, and remember, what happens at ‘Debauchery’ stays at ‘Debauchery’.”
I took the packet and headed to the door.

“Enjoy yourself Kelly.”

~Chapter 2~


I walked into the house, the door closed behind me.
“Hello ma’am, may I take your coat?” a tall black man asked.

My mouth dropped open as I looked him. Before me he stood, wearing a pair of jeans, no top. His chest and abs were chiseled. I was in awe of his body. He walked up to me, his hands touching his shoulders as he removed my coat, slowly off my body. He then extended his hand, asking for my bag. I handed it over. As he took it, he smiled, showing a set of perfect white teeth.

“Thank you.” I breathed.

I smoothed out my Torrid crisscross baby doll dress self-consciously. I walked up the grand staircase to the second floor. In the background I could hear the piano being played softly. I walked down hall, on a red carpet. The first room I passed, the door was slightly ajar. I pushed the door open and peeked inside.

Inside was a California king bed. Candles were burning I could hear the moaning before I could make out the couple on the bed. The woman, an older white woman was on her back, on top of her was a younger white male. He was grinding his dick into her. She was moaning, grabbing his ass and squeezing. I was frozen, all I could was watch. He pulled out of her and started eating her pussy. I watched her hike her legs up, squeeze her breasts together and just moan. She rubbed his head, running her hands through his hair, pulling his face into her pussy.

I left and closed the door, making my way down the hall towards the living room that was straight ahead. There were five additional rooms that I passed. The last room on the right, just before the living room, was open. There was no door, it was completely open. I stopped in my tracks as I watched what looked like five couples, all fucking. On the opposite wall was a man fucking a woman from behind, pulling her hair and grinding into her pussy.

“Are you enjoying yourself?” a man asked me.
I jumped.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He said.
I looked at him.

He was tall, about 6’2, lean. He was white. He had green eyes, wavy brunette hair.
“Hi, I am Anthony.” He said extending his hand.
“Hi Anthony, I am Kelly.” I said shaking his hand.
“First time I see.” He said looking at me up and down.
I nodded.
“Let me show you around.” He said offering his arm.

We walked into the living room.

“This is the main meeting area…. People come here to kind of meet and greet, sit and just talk.” He explained.

The room was filled with people, but not overly crowded. All the men were shirtless. The women all wore either white, black or red I assumed the black dressed women were pretty much experts in ‘Debauchery’. They all sat around, sitting champagne and having conversations amongst themselves.

“Everyone, this is Kelly…. Kelly, this is everyone.” Anthony said.
My mouth dropped open, I wasn’t expecting the introduction.

“Welcome Kelly!” they all said at once.
I waved shyly as Anthony led me down the hall.

“You can choose a private room, or you can choose an exhibition room. The exhibition rooms do not have doors, they have no privacy whatsoever.” He said.
“The private rooms and bathrooms are for member use, of course. Any and everything goes on there.” He said.
I nodded.
“Downstairs is the basement level, that is totally for voyeurs.” He began.
“Voyeurs? People who want to be watched?”
“Yes.” He smiled.
“The entire downstairs is rigged with cameras and the closed circuit TVs all show what is going on down there.” He said.
“Oh ok.”
“All the rooms have TV, let me show you.” He said walking into a bedroom.
“This is the chocolate room; ask you can tell by the color. Each room is a color theme, in the refrigerator, you can find wine, champagne and strawberries. If ever the refrigerator is empty, simply dial “0” and a delivery will be made. As for the TV….” He said picking up the remote and turning the TV on.
“The TVs show the cameras from down in the basement. You see this? That is the indoor hot tub.” He said.
I looked at the TV and it was showing a man and woman fucking inside the hot tub. She was bouncing on top of him, water splashing over the sides of the tub.
“Everyone can turn to this channel and watch them… they love to be watched.” He said.
I laughed.
“What else is downstairs?”
“I can show you if you would like.” He said.
“No, I am not quite ready to be on TV.” I said instinctively putting my hair behind my ear.
“I would love to watch you.” He said softly.
I blushed a little.
“The basement has three bedrooms, three bathrooms, an indoor hot tub, a pool and a BDSM room.”
“It has whips, a sex swing, chains, stuff like that.” He said.
I nodded.
“What is the top level?”
“Top level is more bedrooms, both private and exhibitionist type, also up there you will find the group showers.” He said.
“Wow.” I said.
“Group showers are just what they are, everyone is out in the open, anything can go on up there. The whole purpose of ‘Debauchery’ is to make you feel good and to satisfy your every need as a woman.” he explained.

I looked around, before peeking through a window.

“Outside, you will find the pool and cabanas. The cabanas can be closed for privacy or open, depending on your tastes.” He said.
“A lot to take in.” I sighed.
“Don’t take it all in at once. You are new, just go at your pace.” Anthony told me.
“How do you know if a man is interested in being with you?” I asked as I moved out the way for a couple to walk into a bedroom.
“Trust me, they will approach you. You have nothing to worry about.” He said.

We walked back to the main living room. Women were sipping on their cocktails. Some were being fed strawberries by various men. One woman was up against the wood panel wall, while a man kissed on her neck and rubbed her pussy through her silk nightgown.

“I feel overdressed.” I said, not realizing I said it out loud.
“You can always change, or simply get naked.” Anthony said.
I laughed.
“No sir.” I said shaking my head and laughing.
“Here, take a seat, relax. I will have some fruit brought over to you.” Anthony said.
“Ok, thank you.” I said.

I watched him walk off as a waiter brought over a champagne flute.
“Thank you.” I said.

I sipped and looked around the room. I was sitting there, alone, in front of the fireplace. It was a lot to take in, but I allowed myself to just watch. I was in my own world when he came up to me.

~Chapter 3~

“Hello there beautiful.” He said.

My eyes started at his feet. He was barefoot, I could see the veins in his feet, made me think he was an athlete of some sorts. My eyes worked up to his pants, he was wearing beige linen pants and a white tank top. Through the tank top, I could see a six pack of abs. I went higher and saw the tribal tattoo on his arm. His muscles were beautiful. He had no chest hair, his Adam’s apple was well defined. His lips were freshly moistened. He had thick black hair, blue eyes. His jaw line was well defined. He looked like a replica of Jake Gyllenhaal. I had to clear my throat before I spoke.

“H…. hi….” I stuttered.
“I’m Gabriel.” He said.
“I’m Kelly.” I said almost out of breath.
“May I sit with you Kelly?”
He sat down, giving me a whiff of his Dolce & Gabbana ‘Light Blue’ cologne.
“I see this is your first time.” He said.

I nodded and sipped my champagne nervously.
This man was gorgeous.

“Yeah it is.”
“Did Anthony show you around?” he asked.
“Yea, I got a tour.”
“What brings you here?”
I shrugged.
“I don’t know why I am here; I guess I just wanted to try something new.”
“Well, you came to the right place.”
“Are you a member Gabriel?”
“Yeah, been a member for about a year now.”
I looked at him, trying to steal a glance when he turned his head.”
“I saw you when you walked in.”
“Oh did you?” I asked.
“Yes, you are beautiful.” He said.

The way he said it, sounded sincere. And truthfully, I hadn’t been called beautiful in a long time.

“Do you say that to all the new women?” I laughed.
“No, not at all.”

I sipped.

“Do you want to watch and get a feel for the place or would you like to experience the place?”
“Let me watch for now. I am a bit overwhelmed with everything.” I said.
“Tell me Kelly…. when was the last time you had a man serve you?” He asked.
I looked at him for a moment before answering.
“I haven’t.” I said with sincerity.

He moved closer to me, cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. His kiss was electrifying. The only man I had kissed in six years was my husband and he never kissed me like that before. His tongue was soft and delicate. I closed my eyes for a moment and allowed myself to enjoy it.

“Oh God.” I whispered when he pulled away.
“Come with me.” he said taking my hand.

He led me to a purple color themed room. He closed the door, locking it behind him.

“Don’t be nervous, it’s just you and me. No one is here, no one can watch.” He said.
“Gabriel…. I am new to this…. I am married….”
“Shhh” he said putting his finger on my lips.
“I don’t think I can do this.” I said.

He sat on the bed, took my glass and placed it on the nightstand.

“We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do Kelly.” He said.
“My husband and I haven’t had sex in a year…. Maybe longer. I really don’t know what I am doing.” I said.
“Enjoy yourself, let your inhibitions go.”

My heart was pounding. Maybe it was the champagne, but I wasn’t sure I could do this. I mean, I knew my husband was out doing his thing, but I wasn’t sure I could join that team.

“Sit on the bed.” He commanded.

I thought about it for a moment and decided to go for it. I had nothing to lose at this point. I sat down.

Gabriel squatted down and removed my shoes, left one first then the right one. He started giving me a foot massage.

“Feels good?” he asked.
I nodded.
“Yeah.” I smiled.
“Tell me what gets you wet Kelly.” He whispered.
“I don’t know…. I can’t remember the last time I got turned on.” I told him.

“Then let’s discover that.” he said looking into my eyes.

Gabriel stood up, standing in front of me. He removed his pants, revealing his boxer briefs. I gasped at the size of the imprint in his pants. He was bigger than Courtney, that was for sure. Without saying a word, I reached out and touched it. I guess I wanted to see if it was real.

“Stand up Kelly.” He said.
I stood up as he turned me around, unzipping my dress. My heart was racing.
“Don’t worry” he whispered in my ear.
My dress fell to the floor, leaving me in a mismatched bra and underwear ensemble.

“Your body is amazing.” He said unclasping my bra.
I laughed.
“I am serious…. You should know that.”
“Thank you.”
He let my 42DDD bra fall to the floor.

“I love big breasts.”
He stood behind me, his arms around me as he massaged my breasts in his hands. I was so used to doing this on my own, that having another pair of hands touching me was a foreign concept.
A moan escaped my mouth.

“Shit.” I said as he pinched the nipples.
“You like that?” he asked.
“Yeah.” I said.
His hand moved down my stomach, to my panties, before he removed them from my body.
“Oh God.” I said trying to cover myself with my hands.
“No, don’t…. let me look at you.” He said.

I stood there, completely naked in front of a stranger. Gabriel stepped back and looked at me up and down.
“How do you feel?” he asked.
He smirked.
“You look beautiful Kelly.”

My chest was falling and rising quickly.

Without instructions, I laid on the bed, on my back, staring at the ceiling. Gabriel sat next to me, his hand rubbing my stomach. He bent down and kissed around my belly button. His lips were so soft. His hand massaged my breasts while he kissed my sternum. His hands felt incredible on my nipples.

“Oh God.” I whispered.

He worked his way up to my breast, taking the left one in his mouth. I gasped as his mouth covered my nipple. His tongue flicked over it. My back bucked up as he gently bit the nipple before kissing it. He moved his mouth over to the right breasts, repeating the same process. I couldn’t help it, I needed to touch something. I gently touched his hair, running my fingers through it. His mouth felt so good. His hand moved down my side, down to my leg. I kept my eyes closed, enjoying the sensation. His hand moved inside of my thighs. I moved my legs apart, unsure of what was coming next. Gabriel continued feeding off my breasts, as his hand touched the outline of my pussy. While I did do a close trim, I wasn’t completely shaven. His fingers gently touched the hair, before spreading my pussy lips open. His middle finger rubbed my clit.

“Well, now we know what makes you wet.” He said.

I opened my eyes to see him grinning at me. his finger rubbing my clit, setting my juices free. He inserted two fingers inside my pussy, which by now was dripping wet.

“Oh God…. you are so tight.” He said.

He rubbed with his thumb, while fingering me with his two fingers. I could feel an orgasm coming over me.

“That’s it baby…. let it go.” He whispered before putting a breasts back
In his mouth.
Within two minutes, I came.

“Oh my God.” I said out of breath.
“You ok?” he asked.
My brain was spinning.
“Yeah, I am ok.” I said breathing heavy.
I hadn’t had an orgasm in so long. Even when we did have sex, I never had an orgasm with Courtney. This was something my body hadn’t experienced in years, literally.
~Chapter 4~

I walked into my house, and collapsed against the front door. It was quiet. Courtney wasn’t home as usual. I threw my bags on the bed and turned the shower on. Gabriel’s cologne was on my skin. I could still taste him on my lips. I couldn’t believe this complete and total stranger had given me an orgasm. What the fuck had I been missing all this time?

‘Where are you?’ I texted Courtney.
‘I am at my homeboy’s house, remember?’
He never told me he was going anywhere.
‘Are you spending the night?’
‘Not sure, we have been drinking, I can come home if you need me to.’
‘No, just stay, I will see you when you get back.’
‘Are you sure?’
‘Yeah, see you later, I am going to bed.’

I was not about to deal with Courtney that night. If he wanted to stay out, I wouldn’t even mind. I relished having the bed to myself anyway.

Three days later, I called out from work. Courtney asked if I was ok. I told him I wasn’t feeling well. Truth was, I was getting ready for my next visit to Debauchery. I went to Sweet Samba and got a Brazilian wax for the first time. It hurt like hell, but I made it through. She even waxed my ass. I left and headed to Lane Bryant. I couldn’t think about anything since Saturday. I was ready to go further. I had a twinge of guilt when it came to Courtney. I thought about the fact that now I was a cheater too. I felt guilty until I saw our MasterCard account and saw that he had reservations at the W Downtown for that weekend. The same weekend he was supposed to be at his mother’s house to help with her car. Once I saw that, I stopped feeling bad. I pretty much stopped feeling anything. I picked up new lingerie and new body fragrances. I was ready for my next visit, more than ready.


“Welcome.” The man said opening the door.
I walked in and handed my coat and bag over.

I walked upstairs to the living room, taking champagne with me. I looked around the grand living room. I saw some women in red, like myself. I had hoped to see Gabriel, but I promised myself that even if he wasn’t there, I would still make this a memorable evening. I spotted a tall shaven head black guy up against the wall, by himself. I smiled as we made eye contact. He held his glass up and I did the same. He walked over to me, slowly, deliberately.

“Hello” he said.
“Hi.” I smiled.
“I’m Koogi.” He said.
“Nice to meet you, I am Kelly.” I said shaking his hand.
“How are you this evening beautiful?”
“I am…. I am good.” I said looking around.
“Is this your first time?”
“No, last week was.”
He nodded.
“Koogi…. Very unique name.” I said.
“My parents are eccentric to say the least.” He smiled flashing a Kodak smile.
“I see.”
“What do you do?” he asked.
“I am a nurse, and you?”
“Real Estate Broker.” He said sipping his drink.
“Nice, what are you drinking?”
I smiled.
“Were you waiting on someone?” I asked boldly.
“I was waiting on you.”
I blushed a little.
“I doubt that.”
“Why is that? You don’t think you are worth waiting for?”
I looked down.
“Sure.” I said.

Koogi walked over to me, close enough for me to smell him.

“Why don’t we go somewhere.” He whispered.
I looked up at him, into his hazel eyes.
I sat my glass down and took his waiting hand.

He led me upstairs to a private room. He peeked inside before opening the door all the way. I walked in and stood by the Cherrywood sleigh bed. I watched Koogi lock the door.

“Better?” he asked.
“Better.” I smiled.
“So tell me Kelly…. what are you in the mood for tonight?” he asked pulling me closer to him.
“God you smell good.” I said.
“You are beautiful.”
“Thank you, I am not used to hearing that, Lord knows I don’t….”
He kissed me, sliding his tongue into my mouth.

I wrapped my arms around his tall 6’3 frame, bringing his face into mine. I melted as his arms wrapped around my waist. His mouth moved to my neck, sucking and kissing. I closed my eyes and bit my bottom lip at the adrenaline that was raging in my stomach. I wanted more. He took his tank top off and threw it on the ground, never breaking eye contact with me. I stepped back and unzipped my dress, revealing the lingerie I had recently purchased. I was wearing the pink polka dot bra and panty ensemble. Koogi removed his pants and let them drop down, showing his plaid boxers. I reciprocated by removing my bra and tossing it on the floor. Koogi gave me a devilish grin as he removed his boxers. I damn near fell over when I saw his ten-inch dick. I became intimidated by it. I removed my panties. We were both naked. I walked over to him, kissing him, my hands resting on his chest.

I laid on the bed, Koogi bringing his body over mine. He kissed my forehead, kissing a trail down my cheeks, to my neck, to my sternum, before stopping at my breasts. He licked and sucked on my nipples, taking one in his mouth, covering it. I was in heaven. His hands were on the bed, only thing on me was his mouth. He bit my nipples and began kissing down my stomach.

“Oh shit” I moaned as he pushed my legs open.

Koogi kissed on my inner thigh, down the right and up the left. I spread my legs wider as he lowered himself down on top of me. He started licking my bare pussy before using his fingers to spread my pussy lips, revealing my clit. His tongue started licking my clit, his lips kissing my pussy. I closed my eyes as he covered my clit with his mouth. I flicked his tongue quickly over my clit, making my pussy drip.

“Shit.” I said just above a whisper.

Koogi ate my pussy for what felt like hours. Every orgasm I had, I was forced to cover my mouth with the pillows on the bed. He ate my pussy over and over again. He ate it like it was his last meal while on death row. He gripped my legs in his arms, I was unable to run away. I was forced to lie there and take the tongue action he was giving me. I found myself grabbing my breasts, squeezing them together. I held my pussy lips apart, allowing him easier access to my wetness.

“Oh shit baby…. oooooo…… I needed this.” I heard myself say.
“You like this?” he asked.
I moaned.

He sat up after my third orgasm, leaning over and kissing me. I loved the taste of my pussy on his tongue. It drove me crazy.

“Put it in.” I said breathlessly.
“You sure?”
“Yes, I am sure.” I said practically begging.

Koogi sat up, grabbed my legs and pulled me down to him. He spread my legs open and slid the tip of his dick in.

“OH MY GOD.” I said.
“Don’t worry, I got you.” He said rubbing my clit with his thumb.

He slid in a little more.

“Goddamn you are tight baby.” He said.

He pushed his dick inside me some more. I was shaking, it hurt so good. I moved my hips as he pushed a little more in. We held still for a moment and then I felt more inches invade my pussy. Finally, I could feel all of his ten inches inside me. Koogi started moving back and forth, gently. I held on to his shoulders. He leaned down and kissed me, pushing his thick, black dick deep inside me.

“God that feel so good.” I said in his ear.

He kissed my neck, his hands pinning my arms over my head. I hiked my legs up and open. Koogi was moving with a more deliberate motion. He started picking up the pace.

“Oh yes!!!” I said as he began fucking me.

I had never in my life had dick this good. I had never had sex this good. I surrendered to the rushing orgasm that took over my body.

“OHHHHHH FUUCKKK” I yelled as my pussy exploded all around his dick.

He held still, pulling his dick out before laying down next to me.

“Oh my God.” I said out of breath.
“You are tight as hell.” He said.
“It’s been a year.”
“A year since what?”
“Since I last had sex.” I said.
He rolled over and looked at me.
“A year??”
“Yeah, my husband and I don’t have sex anymore.” I said waving him off.
“I know…. I know…. I don’t even remember the last time I had an orgasm before all of this started.” I said still breathing heavy.
“You mean to tell me you are married and your husband isn’t dicking all of this down every night?” he asked.
“Yeah.” I said half laughing.
“He is a dumb ass.”
I shrugged.
“He doesn’t even initiate, neither do I.”
“Well I took it slow on you tonight, I can’t dick you down just yet.”
“I know, but damn that was amazing.” I said.
“Your pussy can make a man bust a huge load of cum in there.” He said.
I laid there frozen.
“You ok?” he asked.
“Yeah, I am perfect.” I smiled.
“No sex in a fucking year?”
He rolled over back on top of me.
“Well, we will just have to change that.” He said.
“Please do.” I smiled as he opened my legs.
The next week I couldn’t stop thinking about ‘Debauchery’. My pussy throbbed just thinking about Koogi and Gabriel and all the things my eyes had been opened to since first going.

“Hey, do you want to go out for dinner tonight?” Courtney asked.
“Sure, what did you have in mind?” I asked while signing off a chart.
“We can do Maggiano’s when you get home.” He suggested.
I nodded.
“Sure, that’s fine.”

I got home, changed clothes and waited for Courtney to arrive home. I decided to go against the norm, by wearing a dress. I found a halter top dress from Ashley Stewart.
“Hey, sorry I am late, traffic was bad.” He said.
I didn’t say anything.
“No problem,” I said exiting the website I was on.
“You ready to go?” he asked.
“Yeah.” I said grabbing my purse.
“We can take my car; I need gas anyway.” I said looking in my wallet.
“Already? Usually you need gas once a week.” He said.
“Yeah, remember I had to run errands.” I lied.
He nodded.
“That’s right, I forgot.”
“How was your mom’s?” I asked while in the car.
“Fine, she needed her spark plugs to be replaced.” He said.
I nodded.
“Why didn’t she take it to the shop?”
He shrugged.
“I don’t know; she knows I can do it.”
“Hmmm, I need to call her.” I said pulling out my cell phone.
“She is at church tonight.” He said without blinking.
I laughed on the inside.
“How do you know?”
“She told me.”
I nodded.
“I will try her tomorrow then, if I remember.”
“How was work?” he asked as his cell phone went off.
He glanced at his phone, before declining the call.
“Work is fine; you know it’s always busy.” I told him as we pulled onto the highway.
“Tell me about it, you still thinking of going to that conference with your sister?” he asked.
“The one in Dallas?”
“No.” I said waiting to see his reaction.
“Why not?”
“Money, I don’t want to spend the money.” I said playing on my phone.
“We have the money for you to go…. You should go.”
“No, besides, that weekend you are off, so…. we can do something maybe.” I suggested.
He made a sound.
“I may have to go that career thing. I don’t know yet.”
I shrugged.
“Well, let me know.” I smiled.

We got to the restaurant and sat down in a booth.

“I am starving.” I said looking at the calendar in my phone, trying to figure out when I would be able to get away.
“Have you gotten the credit card bill?” I asked him.
He was in mid-chew and stopped.
“Yeah why?”
“I haven’t seen it; you did get it? Did they send it to your email?” I asked.
“Yeah, why, what’s up?”
“Nothing, I just wondered. I need to call them. I noticed last month the balance was higher than normal. The full amount came out of the joint account. I want to see the statement.”
“Well I used it a little more, had to get some stuff for my mom and for my car.” He said.
“Oh ok…. Well I will call them, get them to resend the statement.” I told him looking at him, waiting for him to look at me.
“Naw, there’s no need, I will show it to you, it’s in my email.” He said.
“You have it now?”
“Can you show it to me?” I asked laughing.
“Right now? While I’m eating?”
I shrugged.
“No, its fine.” I said as the waiter came up. I went ahead and ordered a glass of wine.

“When is the career thing you were telling me about?” I asked.
“It may be next week; I have to check.”
“So they expect you all to just leave for two days, but you don’t know the exact date?”
“It’s on my work phone. I think it’s Monday and Tuesday, I would be back Wednesday.”
“So, it is three days.”
He nodded.
“Ok, well…. Whatever the length of time, just let me know as soon as possible.” I told him.
“Of course.” He smiled.
We finished dinner and headed home. We sat in silence. It amazed me how easy it was for my husband to lie to my face. His lies didn’t even make sense anymore. I was done crying myself to sleep, I was done feeling bad. I had learned that while my husband was out, leaving me home alone…. I would be out as well.

~Chapter 5~

Monday Night

“Hey, did you make it to Savannah?” I asked Courtney.
“Yeah, we just got to the hotel.”
“Ok, well…. I had a long day, I am heading to bed.” I said.
“What happened?”
“Teenager shot in the chest, we lost him in surgery. His mother…. God bless her heart. She lost it.” I said rubbing my temples.
“Man, I am sorry to hear that.” He said.
“Yeah, it just took a lot out of me. When will you be home?”
“Wednesday, after work.” He said.
“Ok, so I won’t see you until Wednesday, is this the only career expo you all have planned?”
“As far as I know.”
“What hotel are you at again?” I asked.
“Hold on….”

The line went dead.

‘What hotel are you at?’ I texted as I got out my car.
“Here is your ticket ma’am.” The valet said.
“Thank you” I smiled while powering my cell phone off and walking inside ‘Debauchery’.

I walked straight to the living room. I looked around the room.
“Looking for me?” a male voice asked.
I turned around to see Koogi, standing in a pair of jeans, no shirt.
“As a matter of fact, I am.” I said feeling my pussy wake up.
“How are you beautiful.” He asked before kissing me.
A moan escaped my lips.
“I am better now.” I smiled.
“I am surprised you are here on a Monday.” He said.
I shrugged.
“I needed the release.” I said taking a glass of champagne.
“I think I know just the thing.” He said.
I followed him upstairs to another room.
“What room is this?” I asked.
“The ‘heaven’ room.” He said pointing at the ceiling.
“Oh wow, they have clouds on the ceiling and sky lights” I said looking up.
“Yeah, and the heavenly bed, like the one from the Westin.”
“Oh God, I love those beds.”
I sat down on the edge of the bed, while Koogi locked the door.
“So you need to release, huh?”
“I don’t know what you or this place is doing to me….” I began.
“You’re being awakened.” He said.
“Maybe so, I know I can’t stop thinking about the shit you did to me.”
“Did you enjoy that?” he asked while his hand moved up my thigh.
“Let me relax you Kelly.”
He looked in my eyes, I leaned forward and began kissing him. My sexual appetite was becoming insatiable.

“Come in the bathroom with me.” he said after pulling away.
He turned the shower on as I got undressed. He turned the steam option on, removing his clothes before we both stepped in.
“Do you mind if your hair gets wet?”
“No, it’s fine.” I said.
I stood in the shower, letting the water run over my body. Koogi turned on the rainforest shower head.
“Oh wow.” I said as the water came running down.
“Don’t worry.” He said turning me around.
I closed my eyes and stood under the water while Koogi grabbed something behind him.

I felt his hands on my hair, it surprised me and my eyes opened.
“What are you….” I began asking until I realized he was washing my hair.
His fingers felt like magic on my scalp.
“How is that?”
“That feels good.”

I leaned my head back against his chest, as he gave me a head massage. He worked the shampoo in my hair. I had never had a man wash my hair before, and that shit was erotic.
He rinsed my hair and repeated, washing it again.
“God that is amazing.” I said.
“Good, I want to make you feel good tonight baby.”

After washing my hair, he grabbed the Bath and Body Works Country Apply body wash and lathered up the sponge. I stood as he washed my neck, down to my chest, across my breasts. He washed my arms, under my arms. He washed my stomach. The more he touched me, the wetter my pussy got. Koogi sat on the shower bench, lifted my left leg and washed it. He washed my foot, getting in between my French pedicured toes. He used one of the shower hoses and rinsed me down before taking my right foot and doing the same thing. He rinsed my leg before washing my pussy. He was so delicate, as if he were teasing me. His fingers gently going in between the folds of my pussy lips. He used the hose and rinsed my pussy, before turning my around and running the sponge up my ass. He stood up as I rung my hair out. He did one last rinse over my body before turning the shower off.

“Here you are.” He said bringing a towel over.
I graciously took the towel and wrapped my body in it.
“How do you feel?”
“Very relaxed.”
“Good, that is the point.”
“Go and lay on the bed.” He said while checking the cabinets.

Koogi came over to the bed, I was still wrapped in a towel. He had in his hand the lotion bottle. He opened my towel and started planting kisses all over my body. I closed my eyes and enjoyed his mouth. He squeezed the Country Apple lotion on my legs, before rubbing it in. His hands felt incredible on my body. He rubbed the lotion on my feet, giving me a foot massage. He brought my foot up to his mouth, kissing my toes before putting each one in his mouth.

“Oh wow.” I moaned.

He rubbed lotion on my thighs, on my knees before squeezing some more on my stomach.
“You are one of the most beautiful women I have seen.”
I looked at him, sitting up on my elbows.
“I’m not too big?”
“Hell no, I love a plus size woman. Just because your husband doesn’t see what he has, doesn’t mean other men don’t. You are beautiful Kelly.” He said looking directly into my eyes.

I laid back down, staring at the cloud ceiling.

He rubbed the lotion on my arms, paying attention each one individually. He massaged my hands, placing them on his chest. I loved feeling his chest. Each ab was perfectly carved out. His body was so well defined. He finished putting lotion on my body.
“How do you feel?”
“Good.” I said softly.
“Good, now just relax”

He got up, put the lotion back in the bathroom, and started lighting candles. I watched his ass as he moved from candle to candle. He turned the lights out.

“Just relax.” He said climbing on top of me.
Koogi began kissing down my body. His full lips felt incredible against my skin, which by now was hot. He opened my legs, placing each one on his shoulder. I could’ve came just off the excitement and anticipation. He began licking my pussy. He wasn’t doing it like he had done before, he was doing it slowly, making me feel so good. He licked my pussy, kissing my clit. He French kissed my clit. I moaned a soft moan. He slurped my pussy juices up. I had no idea I could even get so wet that my pussy made noises. I could feel an orgasm coming. Without even trying, my hips started moving with the motion of his tongue. My hands began rubbing my body, down to his head. His crew cut felt so good. I could feel the motion of his bobbing up and down on my clit. I found myself moaning louder. I sat up on my elbows, looking down at this man eating and enjoying my pussy. I had never seen anything like that before. I had never really experienced anything like this before, in my entire life.

“Ohhhh shit, I’m…. I’m about to cum.” I said.

Instead of letting up…... Koogi went in even more. I couldn’t hold it; I couldn’t fight it. I exploded, all over his face.

He sat up and looked at me.

“Oh my God, you are amazing.” I said out of breath.
“No baby, you are amazing…... lie back.” he said.

I laid back down, staring at the ceiling. Koogi climbed up next to me, lying beside me.
“You ok?”
I nodded my head.
“New experience.” I said, my voice a little horse.
“Good, you deserve to feel good.” He said rubbing my nipples.
“There’s so much I want to experience.” I laughed.
“Like what?”
“Everything. My husband and I only really did missionary, no foreplay, unless he rubbed my clit. He doesn’t like oral, even though I would like to do it. He never went down.”
“Why did you marry him?”
I laughed.
“I loved him.”
“Loved? Past tense?”
“I love him, but I am not in love with him.”
Koogi nodded.
“I have had more orgasms this month, than in the last two years, if not more.”
“A woman should come daily if she chooses to.” He said.
“I wish. My husband won’t touch me, I thought it was because I gained weight.” I confessed.
“Regardless of your size, you are beautiful.”
“What else do you want to experience?”
I laughed.
“I want to cum from every hole.”
“We can do that.”
“I know you can.” I laughed.
We paused for a moment.
“I think about you.” I said softly.
“In what way?” he asked.
“I think about your body, your hands, your mouth…. I get wet when I think about you.”
“I think about you too.”
“Yea right.”
“I do…. I see a woman who has not had her sexuality awaken and you trust me enough to awaken it. I think about you all the time. I think about your moans, how you twist and turn when you are cumming.”
I covered my face with my hands.
“Don’t be shy…... I want to make you feel good every time I see you, every time I get to be with you.”
I smiled.
“When you are with me, I want you to be free.” He said tilting my face towards him.
I reached up and kissed him, sliding my tongue into his mouth. His mouth welcomed me.
“I want some more.” I whispered, shocked at my own boldness.

Koogi smiled, rolled over on top of me. I opened my legs as he eased his dick in. I felt like I was virgin with him. I gasped as he pushed in. I wrapped my legs as his waist, my arms around his neck. I buried my head in the side of his neck as he caught a rhythm. We kissed passionately as he slid his dick in and out of my wet pussy. I scratched at his shoulders and back as he began picking up the pace. I threw my head back in ecstasy while he kissed my neck, licking on my earlobe. The wetness of his tongue on earlobe drove me over the edge. I moaned, scratching at him. It felt so good. His hips began pumping harder. I grabbed at his ass. It was firm to the touch. I could feel the muscles in his ass contracting as he pumped in me. He leaned down, biting my nipples. I screamed out in pleasure. I don’t know what this man was doing to me, but I couldn’t stop.

“Harder.” I cried.
“You want this dick harder baby?” he asked.

I never experienced sex talk, but I discovered I liked it.

He pumped harder and faster. I grabbed onto the sheets. My bottom lip started shaking. God, his dick was incredible.

“YE…. YES…. OH FUCK…. YES!” I screamed.
I could see the smile across his face.
“Fuck me baby…. please fuck me.” I begged.
“Oh shit…. I’m about to cum.” He said.
“Yea…. yes…. Cum baby…. cum in me.” I whispered in his ear.
“AHHHHHHHH……. URGHHHHHH!” he grunted as he released a hot load of cum deep inside me.

We collapsed back on the bed, both of us out of breath.
“Oh shit.” I said as if I was gasping for air.
“You ok?” Koogi asked still inside me.
“You ok?” I asked him.
“I am perfect.” He said.
He eased out of me, causing me to moan.
“Sorry.” He said smiling.
“Do you have to go?” I asked.
“Hell no, I am getting some water, you want some?”
“Yeah, thank you.”
I laid back and stared at the ceiling.
“Here you are.” He said handing me a bottle of water.
I watched as he drank his water down. I slowly sipped mine.
“Yasss…. someone finally let loose.” He said rubbing my leg.
“I know; I don’t know what came over me.”
“You stopped thinking so much.”
“Maybe, maybe I just got introduced to something I’ve never in my life had before.”
“Drink up.” He said.

I finished my water, throwing the bottle away and getting back in the bed.

“You have work tomorrow?” I asked.
“Yeah, I have a closing at ten.” He said.
“Do people spend the night here?” I asked.
“All the time, the busiest nights are the weekend or a holiday.”
“What brought you here?” I asked.
“Took a chance, I was hoping you would be here.” He said.
I laughed.
“And I wasn’t?”
“I would’ve probably gotten some head and left.”
“Oh…. Head?”
“You do know what head is, right?”
“Yes, oral sex. I am not a prude.”
“Have you ever?”
“Yeah, in college, my husband doesn’t like it. So I have done it before I met him.”
“Is he black?”
“A black man doesn’t like head? Wow.”
I shrugged.
“I am out of practice, but I know what it is.”
“You enjoy it?”
“I haven’t done it in so long, I don’t remember.” I confessed.
“Then I need to get you re-acquainted.” He said.

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