Two years had passed since Mr. Connor and I ‘took our relationship to a new level.’ It was also safe to say that we had sex in almost every room in the school... And that's not an exaggeration. Our situation was quite complicated. Tim and I (he hated when I called him Mr. C if we weren't having sex) were spending so much time together, but we weren't boyfriend and girlfriend...but at the same time we were. I don't know what you would call our relationship. Maybe friends with benefits or just his side bitch. But we were much more than that. He'd leave inspirational quoted notes in my locker, help me out with my homework, and even listened to me while I gossiped about girls at school! Eventually it got to a point where we just had to come up with something to tell our families. To get his wife off his back, he told her that school required "more" of him and that she shouldn't worry about him not being home. I told my parents (and friends) that I was just busy with school. After school on Friday, I ran straight Mr. C's office. "Mr. C! Mr. C! Mr. C!!!!" I yelled entering his office. Mr. Connor was sitting in his desk chair playing the guitar. I had slightly scared him. He looked up at me. "What?!" He asked with a smirk. I closed the door behind me, and showed him the paper I was holding. "I got a 97% on my Trig test!" I said finally. "Holy shit Erica, that's great!!!" He came around from his desk and gave me a big hug. He always smelled so good. Tim retracted from the hug and put his hands on either side my face. "You know you are the smartest girl in the whole world, right?" He said staring into my eyes. "I couldn't have done it without you." I smiled. ***Along with being a music theory nerd, Tim was also really good at math. He tutored me every day after school, and I seriously owed him big time.*** Tim leaned in and kissed my soft pink lips. "You know what? Let's go out for ice cream." He said breaking our kiss. "Is that really necessary?" I chuckled. "Um...YES? You've never gotten an A on a Trig test, and that's worth celebrating... You're worth celebrating." He'd always say the sweetest things. That’s why I was falling for him so hard. "But babe we've never been out together in public... I mean it draws enough attention that you're White and I'm Black... and the age difference" I said drifting off not meaning to kill the vibe...but I felt like it needed to be said. His brown eyes shot up at me. "Erica, I don't care what's socially acceptable and what isn't. I love you, and that's all that matters. If people want to stare at us while we're eating ice cream, they're the fucking weird ones." "This is exactly why I love you." I said smiling. Mr. Connor threw on his jacket and grabbed his keys. "Let's go partnaaa!" He said holding the door for me. I drove to school, so I just followed him to our local Baskin Robbins. After ice cream, he walked me to my car. “Congrats again, Erica. You’re fucking awesome.” “You’re fucking awesome.” I smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow?" I asked, to reassure. "Yep, see you at 2:00." He said getting into his car. We shared another kiss before we got into our cars and drove off. I got home around 6:30 just early enough to beat my parents. They were happy I came home earlier than usual. I told them I was leaving out tomorrow morning to get some supplies for a project. ( I was actually going to Mr. Connors house for our weekly voice lessons) With that, I kissed them goodnight and headed upstairs to prepare. I gave myself a nice shave so my pussy would be nice and soft for him. I did a few other things, then headed off to bed. I woke up the next morning to see that Tim had called me several times and texted me at least 10 times. I called him back. "Tim, what's going on?" I asked obviously sounding like I just woke up. "Did I wake you? I'm sorry babe. But you have to get here now!" "Like to your house?" I said yawning. "Yeah. Please. I need you." "Okay, I'll be there in an hour." I said hanging up the phone. What could possibly be going on that he was so worked up about, and that he had to call me at 8:00 in the morning? After showering, I got dressed and hopped in my car to drive over to his house. As I walked into his house (he gave me a key because I was over there so often) he was sitting silently on the couch in his living room. His wife wasn't home. "Babe what's going on?" I said sitting next to him. He sat there with his head buried in his hands. "Erica... I don't even know how to say.." He mumbled. I rubbed his back. "I've been laid off, Erica. I won't be teaching at our school anymore." My heart sank to the floor. "WHAT? How?" "The school doesn't have enough money." He said with a tear running down his face. I got on my knees and I held his face. I wiped his tear and gave him a hug. "We'll get through this. Okay? You're the smartest man I know. You'll find something." I said reassuringly. He picked his head up from his hands. "I just really needed you to be here." "I'm here... I'll always be here" I kissed his cheek and held his head in my bosom. I held back my tears and tried to be strong. We'd been messing around for two years then, and I couldn't imagine going to school without him being there. I sat next to him in the couch and laid on his chest. "I love you." He said running his hands through my hair. I had never heard him say that. Of course I loved him too, but it was weird hearing him saying it. I looked up at him and kissed his lips. He ran his hand up and down my thigh, squeezing my ass with every stroke. “I want you right now.” he said softly. I took off my plain t shirt to reveal my perky tits. "No bra? Mmmmm." Mr. C said before stuffing my boobs in his mouth. One thing led to another, and we wound up upstairs in he and his wife's bedroom. I laid under Mr. Connors naked body... feeling his fingers slide in and out of my wet pussy. Tim simultaneously sucked my neck and kicked my boobs. "Mmmmm yes. Baby!" I moaned. I felt my pussy tighten around his two fingers and felt a huge relief. "God why are your hand so fucking amazing!" I said flustered. I pushed him back, so hard, that he fell off the edge of the bed. We laughed in unison. "So should I call you The Hulk instead of Erica?" He said on the floor laughing. I crawled off the bed, onto all fours on the floor. I licked his cock. His toes curled. I grabbed his cock and I let him mouth fuck me. His pelvis bucked up and down, sending the head of his dick down my throat. I let him face fuck me until he had had his way with me. My mouth released his saliva covered cock and tried to catch my breath. I caught my breath, and straddled him. I leaned forward and kissed him deeply. I lifted myself and sank down on his pulsating hard cock. "OH MY GOD FUUCCK." Mr. Connor cried out almost instantly. I rode him so hard, I had to hold my boobs to stop them from flying everywhere. As soon as i covered them, Tim moved my hands away from them. "I like the way they jiggle, babe." He grunted. "Oh you like that? Yeah baby? Mmmm your cock feels so good" I moaned. I slowed down, and grinded on him in circles. He watched my hips and torso move in circles. He couldn't even try to match my pace, he just laid there in awe and watched me fuck him like it was our last night on earth. Mr. Connor sat up from the floor, and stood up, carrying me in his arms. He took me to his big walk in closet and bent me over. I bent over far enough to touch my toes. He found my hole and pushed in. He squeezed my sides so hard, I thought he left bruises. He forced himself into me so hard I screamed his name with the first thrust. "Tim!....OH MY GOD.. MR...CONNOR..YESSSS!" You could hear his balls slapping against me profusely. I grabbed the shoe rack in front of me to brace myself, and to keep me from collapsing. His cock was so deep, and I didn't know how he managed to hit my g spot with (almost) every pump. I felt his cock twitch, so I knew he was going to cum soon. He kept pounding and pounding me. Then, all of a sudden I heard the front door open. Tim was moaning so loud that he didn't even hear it! I knew it was his wife. The selfish part of me wanted her to find us, so that he'd be forced to choose, but the logical half reminded me that what we were doing was illegal, and forbidden. So I let in a gasp. "Tim, Tim Tim! I heard someone downstairs!" I said frantically. "Tim, darling?" We could hear her in the front hallway, about to come up the stairs! Mr. Connor quickly found some pants and headed downstairs to greet his wife. I internally laughed at the fact that his cock was still hard as a rock, and there he was trying to have a normal conversation with his wife. I was not expected to be at the Connors’ house until another 3 hours, so I couldn't go downstairs without her suspecting something. Meanwhile, I hurriedly got dressed and as I was walked down the stairs, Mr. Connor discreetly motioned his hand for me to get out by using the back door as he distracted his wife. I snuck quietly out the back door and into my car. I combed through my hair trying to fix it, because I had what you'd call "sex hair". Just as I was about to take off, I see Mr. Connor coming out his back door. Tim got into the back on my car. "I think we have unfinished business here." He said with a smirk. He whipped out his throbbing cock, and stroked it. I got out of the driver’s seat and joined him in the back seat. “You bad bad boy.” I chuckled as I took my shorts off and closed the door behind me. With my back pressed against the backseat door, I spread my legs, inviting him to come and finish our ‘business’. He spat on his hand, and rubbed it on the head of his cock, and pushed in. His strokes were softer this time but insanely deep. My moans turned into whimpers, because I just didn't have the words... For how he made me feel both sexually and emotionally. We were so sweaty already, and the 80 degree temperature in the car didn't help either. Our moans, and hot breath filled the car leaving the windows foggy, and my pussy filled with his cum. "FUCK, I love you." He said kissing me on the forehead and hugging me. We hugged for awhile until it was too hot to even touch each other. Mr. C got out the car. "I'll see you around 2 for lessons?" He asked. "I'll see you then, lover boy." I said pulling off. It was around 11:30 or so when I left Mr. Connor's house so I had some time to kill before I went back. I decided to go to Panera Bread for a bite to eat, and did some homework. Time went by fast, and when I looked up it was already 1:45. I got in my car and headed back to The Connor house. I rung the doorbell, because that's what I did when Tim’s wife was home. Mr. Connor opened the door. "Oh come in Erica. It's good to see you." He said embracing me. "It's good to see you too Mr. C." I said getting quite tired of this charade we had to do in front of his wife. His wife was upstairs in their bedroom, and I guess she didn't hear me come in because she came storming down the stairs.. "TIM??? Whos fucking panties are these in our bedroom????" She saw me sitting on the couch and tried to to pretend like everything was fine. But it wasn't. She was as red as an apple! I stood up. "I'll just see you on Monday, Mr. C." I said silently, rushing out the door. I got into the car and started it. I took a deep breath and suddenly my heart sank. I looked down and realized I had no underwear on. "FUCK!" I pulled off and hoped Mr. Connor could come up with a lie, just as good as our sex.